Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google+ Local"
Tips for Your New Google + Cover Photo
Early this week Google updated the layout of the G+ Pages. They also updated the imagery and maps at the top of the pages moving away from the ever slithering image that continually changed in size to one that was relatively stable. They simultaneously moved the details about business location to the area to the …
How Does Google Choose a Profile Photo? It’s the Algo Dummie!
There has been some conversation and consternation (free membership required) of late when Google seemingly arbitrarily replaces a business owner selected profile photo in the main search results knowledge panel or carousel with a different photo perhaps provided by a third party. Like all things in local its not random. It’s the algo. And like all things …
Google Rolling out New + Page Layout – Reviews Lost in the Process
It seems that the new layout first reported on October 23rd is now rolling out world wide. As noted at the time The big difference is that the page now can be displayed in either a single, two or three column layouts depending on browser window width as opposed to the current fixed two column …
One Additonal Reason the Google Knowledge Graph Sucks More
Last summer, I wrote wrote a post 10 Reasons that the Google Knowledge Graph Sucks More than the Local Graph. Thankfully some of the problems noted in that post have been fixed. Not all of them by any means and the lack of consistency, support and feedback is still a huge bugaboo. That being said I …
Step by Step Guide to Enhancing Multi-lingual Listings on Google MapMaker
Google has never fully supported multi-lingual listings in Places very well. At one point Google was suggesting that you create a separate listing in a different dashboard in the alternative language. Unfortunately Google was unable to keep those listings from merging and the practice was ultimately prohitibited. The current dashboard offers no real alternative. MapMaker …
Google SAB Update: Service Area Now Displaying in Knowledge Panel
I don’t search on service area businesses very often. But doing client work today I did and I noticed that for the first time that service areas are prominently displayed in the local branded knowledge panel. I have no idea when this was implemented but it indicates that Google has increasing trust in the data …
Google+ Custom URLs – Facts, Tidbits and Concerns
Google rolled out a series of new photographic tools on Tuesday that they hoped would make them as cool as Apple but it seems that all folks are talking about is the new “custom” URLs at Google Plus. Here are a number of factoids, observations & issues in relation to the latter: “Custom” is a …
Google Local SERP Results Change Again
Last Thursday, Google shifted the pack display (Blended Results) from mostly blended with large pins to the smaller pin display (Map Packs) with locally driven ranking (ie Maps order) rather than organic driven ranking. Last night they switched (thanks to Nicolai Helling) the display of the pack back to a larger pinned display. So far at least, Google has …
Google Upgrades Self Serve Offers with Performance Based Pricing, Improved Distribution and a Simpler Interface
Yesterday Google has once again announced an upgrade to their self serve Offers product. Ok that isn’t that interesting in itself given the long (it is almost as old as I am) and mostly invisible history of Google’s couponing product but there are some interesting aspects to this upgrade. Besides an easier, slicker to use …
Google Testing New Local Listing “About Page” Layout – Just What are They Thinking?
Google is testing a new enhanced “card” layout for the About page on local listings. The new layout, visible to me in Firefox only, was pointed out by Mary Kelly Gaebel of ADP. The big difference is that the page now can be displayed in either a single, two or three column layouts depending on browser …