Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "What’s New & Important"
Pokemon Go – A Glimpse into the Future of Local Marketing
The wild uptake of Pokemon Go over the weekend demonstrates in a show not tell way the power of these sorts of virtual segmented detached alienated “augmented”* reality experiences to create real world buzz and traffic. If you are not familiar with it (hard to believe that it was actually competing for news cycles), it …
Local News Photo Captures Current Gestalt
The gun is going off, the runners are starting… ding, oh that’s interesting. I just got back from SMX and was catching up on the local newspaper reporting and was reading an article titled Corporate Challenge Sees Largest Ever Turnout article in the Olean Times Herald. This photo caught my attention:
Google MapMaker Update Summary: One Database to Rule Them All
Now that MapMaker is back online, I wanted to understand the recent changes to MapMaker in the bigger context, how the changes related to the Places for Business Dashboard, the G+ Pages for Local and when it still makes sense to use MapMaker. I asked Dan Austin to write up his understanding of the changes from …
Google Intros the Mother of All SMB Review Monitoring Systems
Google has announced on the Google and Your Business blog today that they have rolled out what appears to be the mother of all review monitoring systems today. The system, a new module for the updated Places for Business Dashboard, not only shows Google based reviews to dashboard owners and managers, it shows every review …
Tips for Your New Google + Cover Photo
Early this week Google updated the layout of the G+ Pages. They also updated the imagery and maps at the top of the pages moving away from the ever slithering image that continually changed in size to one that was relatively stable. They simultaneously moved the details about business location to the area to the …
How Does Google Choose a Profile Photo? It’s the Algo Dummie!
There has been some conversation and consternation (free membership required) of late when Google seemingly arbitrarily replaces a business owner selected profile photo in the main search results knowledge panel or carousel with a different photo perhaps provided by a third party. Like all things in local its not random. It’s the algo. And like all things …
Google+ Custom URLs – Facts, Tidbits and Concerns
Google rolled out a series of new photographic tools on Tuesday that they hoped would make them as cool as Apple but it seems that all folks are talking about is the new “custom” URLs at Google Plus. Here are a number of factoids, observations & issues in relation to the latter: “Custom” is a …
Google Local SERP Results Change Again
Last Thursday, Google shifted the pack display (Blended Results) from mostly blended with large pins to the smaller pin display (Map Packs) with locally driven ranking (ie Maps order) rather than organic driven ranking. Last night they switched (thanks to Nicolai Helling) the display of the pack back to a larger pinned display. So far at least, Google has …
Google Upgrades Self Serve Offers with Performance Based Pricing, Improved Distribution and a Simpler Interface
Yesterday Google has once again announced an upgrade to their self serve Offers product. Ok that isn’t that interesting in itself given the long (it is almost as old as I am) and mostly invisible history of Google’s couponing product but there are some interesting aspects to this upgrade. Besides an easier, slicker to use …
Hummingbird, Local Knowledge Graph & Shitty Search Results
The big news earlier in the week was Google’s announcement of the Hummingbird search algo upgrade. InformationWeek noted that “the Hummingbird update expands Google’s use of its Knowledge Graph”. Local search results were some of the first entities moved to the Knowledge graph and displayed as knowledge graph results. For me there are thus two questions. …