Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Local Search"
Hummingbird, Local Knowledge Graph & Shitty Search Results
The big news earlier in the week was Google’s announcement of the Hummingbird search algo upgrade. InformationWeek noted that “the Hummingbird update expands Google’s use of its Knowledge Graph”. Local search results were some of the first entities moved to the Knowledge graph and displayed as knowledge graph results. For me there are thus two questions. …
LocalU Odds and Ends
Lot’s has been happening at LocalU. We have an advanced LocalU coming up Monday in NYC that has just 5 seats left. If you do sign up be sure to use the discount code WS-LUA10 for 10% off. If you are already signed up be sure to reach out to me and introduce yourself. We …
Local U Advanced – NYC Sept 30th
Fall has descended (and I am riding my bike in 40 degree temperatures ….brr) and our SMX Local U Advanced Workshop is only 11 days away. We have sold 75% of the available tickets so there are only 14 left. If you are thinking of coming now is the time to sign up. If you …
Top Local SEO Myths
Phil Rozek has just published a great piece at his blog: Top Local SEO Myths. Phil asked me and 9 others for 3 myths about local marketing. Never one to be shy, lack for things to say or follow instructions I sent along four. Here is a sampling of my responses: Myth One– When you verify …
Updated Web Equity Infographic
When a new social network takes off I inevitably read about how one should abandon (your pick) blogging/website/other social platforms and solely write via the incredible new platform (again you pick) G+, Tumblr, Medium. I also recently received this comment from am attendee at the last LocalU Advanced after having a correspondence about the importance of …
LocalU Advanced – NYC September 30 – Early bird Discount Ends in 5 Days
Even though it seems like summer will never end, September is rapidly approaching and with it the next Local U Advanced. It is being held September 30th in conjunction with SMX in NYC. Ticket sales have been brisk and only 14 remain, so if you are thinking of joining us, you might want to buy …
Does Google Helpouts Indicate a New Direction For Local Transactions?
Will Google Helpouts replace the Business Listing Places Page G+Local Page G+ Page for Local as the transaction platform for local commerce? What is Helpouts you ask? It is a (not so) secret Google project that turns Hangouts into a commerce platform/marketplace “that enables individuals and small and large businesses to buy and sell services …
Next LocalU Advanced – NYC September 30
Update: We have just learned from the folks at Third Door/SMX that we can offer a discount for your admission. The code WS-LUA10 (case-sensitive) provides a 10% discount off prevailing rate. We just finished up a LocalU Advanced in Seattle and the feedback was great. It seems to early too be talking about the next one …
Is Google Debranding Local?
Local, like many developments at Google, has always been many things; a brand (G+Local, Places), a product (Places Search, the +Local App) and an internal & external API service (local data in Now, Earth or 3rd party products). And as David Mihm has pointed out, Google’s branding of local has always been muddled and caused …
Yelp Successfully Sued in Small Claims Court
According to the Wall Street Journal, a bankruptcy lawyer took Yelp to small claims court in San Diego and won a judgement of $2700. ….the judge describing Yelp’s advertising contract as “the modern-day version of the mafia going to stores and saying, “You wanna not be bothered?” The case will be taken to a higher …