Mike B Around the Interwebs

I will be heading out on vacation on Friday so my production will be non existent for the next month or so. But if you haven’t heard enough of me for the past few days here are some other tidbits I worked on across the interwebs: Google and the On-SERP Experience: We’re Just Gettin’ Warmed …

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Reserve with Google Makes its Way into the 3- Pack SERP on Google

Transactions in Local Search via Google’s Reserve with Google tool have historically been limited to Knowledge Panel results. It appears that this transactional capabilities being expanded or will be expanded to include embedding calls to action directly into the Local 3-Pack search results. And given Google’s obvious expansion of the Reserve with Google we can …

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The Seasonality of Near Me Searches in Local

Near Me searches have generally been on the uptick since the advent of the iPhone. But there have been the occasional downturns that were misinterpreted as a break in the trend. Now that we have more data, it appears that those downturns and subsequent peaks are seasonal lows and highs of a generally increasing  usage …

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