Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google Places (Maps & Local)"
Time to refine the Local 10 Pack?
One long standing complaint about the Local 10-Pack has been that on certain searches it returns multiple results for the same company. In July of 2008, Eric Enge interviewed Carter Maslan, Director of Product Management for Google Maps. In the interview he asked Carter whether it was appropriate to have single company dominate the listings …
Local SEO Tip: Google Maps loves Panoramio’s Geotagged Images
If “citations” are the new link than it appears that georeferences are the new citation. Geotagging of photos, a common georeferenced data type, is gradually making its way into the mainstream. There has been a clear and steady integration of the technology into consumer products and a growing consumer awareness of the feature. Android and …
IYP Directory Scam Alert: MoreYP.com – More YellowPages, Inc
I received not one but three calls during the last week of January asking to confirm my listing for the Yellow Pages. Each time, the call attendant would assure me that I was NOT approving any charges as they talked over a computer response system. On the third call, I asked why they needed to …
In the Trenches Of Local: SF Florist’s Maps Listing Goes Missing
Update 2/10/2009: The records returned to some state of normalcy. Since 7:00 am EST (and it is now 3:00 pm) the record is visible and working properly. Would love to hear from Maps Guide Jen where this puppy went. 🙂 Update 2/9/2009 1:30 EST: Whoaah….hold on there partner. Save the kudos for later. The record …
Has Google Maps surpassed Mapquest?
I ran a recent Mapquest/Google Maps comparison of visitation at Compete.com. It appears that Google Maps has passed Mapquest as the most visited mapping site: Google Maps has been gaining on Mapquest for the past two years. Hitwise data in October indicated that Maps was closing in on Mapquest. While MapQuest may have “come out …
New Universal Local Search Result Type: Branded Local OneBox
While Firefox is not supposed to have geolocation available until ver 3.1, it appears that Google is personalizing search results using some form of geolocation now. Last month, David Mihm first spotted and pointed out a new Universal Local Search Result; the Branded Local One Box. The new Universal Result appears to only show in …
Google has once again elevated Mapspam reporting
With the swicthover to the new forum, Mapspam reporting was temporarily buried amongst the many threads. Last week its profile has once again risen and the thread is now visible at the highest level of the forum Kudos to Maps Guide Adam and Google for again giving people easy access to this reporting tool. Never …
Google Heatmap confirms value of Local 10 Pack Listing
Google has released some results from their eye tracking studies at the Official Google Blog. The results confirm the value of having your listing show up in the Universal Local Results. From the entry: Based on eye-tracking studies, we know that people tend to scan the search results in order. They start from the first …
Confessions of a Google Enabler: In search of Coupons
Each morning when I rise, I check the RSS feed from the Google Maps Support Forums. I try to answer a few questions from wayward business folks that have no place else to turn. I often feel that in doing so, I am removing from Google the very real burden of providing actual support. Here …
Will Google’s Streetview Data be used to replace TeleAtlas?
When Google expanded StreetView coverage for the U.S. in December. I was struck by the visual on their blog. Google is not a company that often buys data from others. They usually either buy a company or they build it themselves. This map begged the question: Could Streetview Data be used to replace TeleAtlas? In a …