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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google Promoting Maps with 100,000 Favorite Places Posters


Google, which started their Favorite Places campaign in July by placing large statues in front of high profile businesses in major cities, is expanding the campaign by sending a Google Maps “We’re a Favorite place” poster to 100,000 of the “most sought out and researched businesses on on Google and Google Maps”. According to Google this number represents less than 1% of the 28 million U.S. businesses and “that our standards for selecting businesses are as selective or more selective than other companies which have run similar initiatives”.

Interestingly, they are including CR codes on the poster so that a Droid or iPhone user can scan the poster and find reviews and (from Google’s perspective) coupons for that business.

If you are one of the favored businesses send me a photo of the sticker! They are apparently within the next week or two. Currently the program in US only (sorry Canada) and will show up in roughly 5,000 US towns and cities. If you weren’t one of thelucky businesses and are curious as to why, here are the criteria that Google is using.