Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Yahoo Local"
Yahoo Local Bug: San BuenaVentura Ca located just off African Coast
The City of San Buenaventura, Ca is usually referred to as Ventura. Google Maps correctly substitutes the name of Ventura for San Buenaventura but Yahoo Local seems a tad confused by the use of the name San Buenaventura in a local search query. For example if you search on Florist+San Buenaventura Ca, it maps the …
Yahoo Affiliate Mapspam now gone
During the last week of March, I reported at SearchEngineLand on Yahoo affiliate mapspam first reported by eClick. Perhpas more than 5% of the hotel listings in major markets, had url’s that moved through 2 or 3 affiilate urls prior to being redirected to the business listing in question. On March 25th, Yahoo’s Brian Gil, …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Greg Sterling Responds
Greg Sterling of Screenwerks gets the last word (well other than mine of course) on the topic of whether Local needs to be held to a higher standard. Greg: Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Whether or not it should be in a sense it already is – by virtue of …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Ahmed Farooq Responds
Given the recent reports (A New Scourge For Yahoo: Affiliate Mapspam) of mapspam at Yahoo that I perceived as possibly criminal, several folks responded that I had overreacted or mischaracterized the event. I started thinking about the legal, social and technical context for Local in our lives and whether if we didn’t hold it to …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Danny Sullivan and Chris Silver Smith Respond
I have been thinking about Yahoo lately (big surprise that eh?) and have been mulling over in my head what is what in the world of Local. Thinking that I needed some more voices to compliment what is rattling around in my brain I wanted to hear what others had to say. I sent the …
Yahoo Responds to Affiliate Spam Issue – as do I
Matt McGee has in interview, Yahoo Local’s Affiliate Spam: ‘A Unique Case’, with Brian Gil, Director of Product Management for Yahoo! Local in which he responds to the recent affiliate spam articles at SearchEngineLand and eClick: “We haven’t seen what I would categorize as significant abuse issues. I’m not going to speak specifically to the …
Mapping Marketshare: Maps Up, Mapquest Down & Yahoo Local is UP!
Google’s addition of the Local 10-Pack piqued my curiosity about its affect on Maps visitation. As I reported yesterday, according to Hitwise, visitation has gone up on the order of 21% since January 23rd. This begged the question of, at whose expense was this market share gain by Google. In the past MapsQuest has suffered …
A New Scourge For Yahoo: Affiliate Mapspam
The question that eClick raised in a recent article about affiliate Mapspam at Yahoo: So, how many instances of affiliate spam are there on Yahoo Local?, motivated me to do a little research. I have published the results at SearchEngineland today. This is a cautionary tale for Yahoo, Google or any company that allows user …
Local Links of Interest
KML: HTML for the Geoweb – Christopher Schmidt, TechnicalRamblings KML has become the “HTML†of the Geographic Web. With limited semantic meaning, a combination of mostly-human understandable XML tags for the majority of the usages, widespread use and abuse for purposes far beyond the original thoughts and intentions of the designers, and more, KML fits …
The changing nature of Local Search
I ran across this ad for a “Local Search Expert” this morning in the Houston Craig’s List: This ad intriuged me on a number of levels. One could draw conclusions about the SEM industry, the Local 10-Pack or the need for qualified pros in major markeets. But the takeaway for me was that Local has …