Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google Offers (Coupons)"
Google Coupons to expand via Pump??
As oil prices inch toward $100 a barrel and the price of gasoline is once again rising towards $4.00/gal, it appears that Google will step into the breach and offer stress relief via directions. The AP reports in Latest Additive at Gas Pumps: Google that “As part of a partnership to be announced Wednesday, the …
How many Google Coupons are there?
The new ability to search Google Coupons offers an intriguing glimpse through the window into the world of Google’s coupon efforts. Coupons have the potential to both drive local usage and further monetize local business data for Google. With internet search, Coupons could provide a new interface/access point for visitation and searching of local business …
Google Coupons Now has searchable interface
Google Coupons are one of the great underpromoted features of Google Maps. It came, we saw and it didn’t conquer. Not because it couldn’t but it just seems to be one of those Google technologies that is languishing in the backwaters of some engineer’s 20% project.A recent query at the Google Maps for Business Group …