Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google Adwords Express (Tags, Boost)"
Google Rolls Out Boost Nationwide
Google Boost is now available nationwide and the ads will be visible in the mobile environment. Apparently though it may not be available for all businesses based on the categories of the business. In other words if you are a locksmith, you might not see the option. Boost is Google’s simplified Adwords tool for Local …
Why Groupon Makes Sense (to Google)
David Mihm has an excellent piece (that I happen to agree with) on why Groupon in a broad sense is synergistic for Google. I think coupons and the new twist that Groupon brings to them will be a successful and profitable advertising medium. John Battelle thinks it worth significantly more than $2.5 billion. Greg Sterling though …
Google Rolls Boost Out to 11 Additional Cities & Illinois
Google just announced that Boost, their new simplified Local Adword Product, is now available in the following cities: * San Jose * Seattle * Wichita * Charlottesville (VA) * Atlanta * Chapel Hill * Orlando * Washington D.C. * Boston * Cross Plains (TX) * Portland (ME) * All local businesses in Illinois. The announcement …
Google Tags Update: Google Giveth and Google Taketh Away
This screen shot just came across my desk of a new change to Tags where by the website option (the most effective from my perspective) is being phased out as a Tags destination. You may continue to use it but if you change to another Tag type you will be unable to use the website …
Google Boost – Interview with Chikai Ohazama, Director of Product Management for Maps
Google rolled out their new local ad product, Boost, this morning. I just got off of the phone with Chikai Ohazama, Director of Product Management for Maps and Deanna Yick, Global Communications Google who answered a number of questions for me. Chikai Ohazama is currently focused on local and geo local focused on monetization opportunities. …
Google Boost – More Details
Update: Apparently the nationwide rollout of Boost was an early morning quirk that has been corrected. Boost now only showing in San Francisco, Houston & Chicago according to Chikai Ohazama, Google Maps Product Manager. Apparently Google Boost is appearing across the whole of the US and it is not limited to any specific markets. It …
Google Places Rolls out Simplified AdWord Product “Boost” in Limited Markets
Update 10/27/10 12:00: Here is the Google Lat Long Article on Boost. They note in the article that it is in fact a Beta and only available in SF, Chicago and Houston. Hmm…. seems to be much more visible than that. For additional information about Boost see Google Boost – More Details and Google Boost – Interview …
Poll: What Do You Think of This Tag?
Here is a Tag that I saw on the search for Wrongful Death Attorney San Francisco: When you click through the Tag this is what you see:
Google Places Forum Adds Tags Discussion Area
Late yesterday Google added a new discussion category, Discuss Google Tags with other users, in the Google Places Help Forums. It is billed as a place to “learn more about Google Tags and discuss the same with other users”. Having followed the forums regularly Tags discussions have occurred only sporadically. In the last Places Newsletter Google …
Google Tags – Do They Help? An Anectdotal Review
Google Tags rolled out nationally at the end of June. Several questions that have been often asked about Tags are: How well do they perform? & How do searchers respond to them? Do they attract additional business? I have one client, Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law in Orlando, that added the tags immediately after …