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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Local Real Estate Results are Back in Google Search

Once again, local results for real estate and realtors are back in the Google search results.

Google Local Real estate results have had a tortured relationship in the Google search results. Having most recently gone MIA at the time of the Pigeon update.  I noted in November 2012:

In 2009 Google rolled out an expanded real estate listing product. However that product was dropped in January of 2011. Before that period and until very recently, Google did not return any blended results for most real estate searches and the only local search in real estate that returned pack results was the very specific “realtors + city” search. Searches like homes for sale + city and houses for rent + city did not return 7 packs. Even the search real estate + city did not return pinned results.

They seemed to have returned for real estate + city, realtors + city and those same terms without geo modifies. But they not appear to have returned for “homes for sale” or “houses for sale” (as far as I can tell) searches.
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