Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Adds End User Offers Signup to Google.com/Portland
Portland has been a keystone city in Google’s Hotspot Hotpot Places marketing efforts. They inundated Portland businesses and individuals with high visibility ads, marketing, schwag and high profile sponsorships.
We don’t know the number of additional claimed Places listings but we do know that it lead to a dramatic uptick in their ratings and reviews, moving them to near parity with Yelp in the important restaurant industry within several months.
It makes sense that they would leverage this visibility to introduce their new 50% Offers beta. Over the weekend we started to see general purpose Offers videos, help files and end user and business sign up forms. Now they have added end user and business sign ups to Google.com/portland, the main landing page for their Hotpot Places marketing in Portland.
1 Comment
Mike – it seems that Google has been keeping your fingers busy typing with all these new product rollouts!
What will be real interesting is to see how the Groupon model scales for Google. In my little realm of the SMB market the Groupon deals have become a four letter word due to their inability to drive quality traffic to the businesses. Coupons really only work for two types of customers (on a long term basis): 1. driving new clients who will stay clients to a business 2. enticing existing customers to buy more, earlier, or in larger quantities. The Groupon market so far has not met either mold with mainly deal seekers looking to save a buck.
In the end this is a huge leap for Google, on par with the Youtube purchase, as it is significantly different from providing and organizing the worlds information. The search results pages are going to get really busy with all this “goings-on”.
Thanks for keeping us in the know.
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