Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Local Search"
Apple’s Price Reduction & its stealth mobile computing initiatives
Fortune (via LocalMobileSearch) reports that Apple will be reducing the price of the iPhone by $200. As Greg points out at Local Mobile: Price Matters! The new price will drive adoption of this fully functional mobile computing device masquerading as a smart phone at a faster rate. Apple’s mobile computing strategy became very clear this …
Searching for reviews
I am currently traveling with my family from Northern California to Oregon. We needed to book a hotel near the San Francsico airport the other night. My wife ended up booking us into the Best Western Grosvenor in South San Francisco. As we checked in, there was an obviously placed notice that that if we …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Greg Sterling Responds
Greg Sterling of Screenwerks gets the last word (well other than mine of course) on the topic of whether Local needs to be held to a higher standard. Greg: Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Whether or not it should be in a sense it already is – by virtue of …
Local Links of Interest
UniversalBusinessListing.Org Partners with NexxLinx to Jump-Start Local Search UBL is the industry initiative to help businesses create and expand their online presence. Instead of spending countless frustrating hours of trial and error, businesses create a central listing with UBL, and for a small fee their information is securely distributed to all major US online Yellow …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Bill Slawski Responds
Bill Slawski of SeobytheSea brings a deep understanding of the underlying techniques that Google & Yahoo have developed to assemble their local data. Here is his answer to whether Local needs to be held to a higher standard: Bill: I’m not sure that local can succeed without the actual involvement of people on a local …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Miriam Ellis Responds
Miriam Ellis and her husband are a web development team in California with extensive practical experience in Local Search. She is always a voice for reason and ethical behavior and writes frequently about local search in her blog. Miriam understands the frustration of running a small business and often speaks of the needs of small …
Making Local Appointments on line
Last week I reported on the new service, Leavefeedback.org that elegantly closes the circle of consumers and small businesses. The New York Times reports on a new class of small business products that further brings local and smb’s together: Making Appointments for Doctor or Dinner that further embeds the internet in the lives of clients …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Ahmed Farooq Responds
Given the recent reports (A New Scourge For Yahoo: Affiliate Mapspam) of mapspam at Yahoo that I perceived as possibly criminal, several folks responded that I had overreacted or mischaracterized the event. I started thinking about the legal, social and technical context for Local in our lives and whether if we didn’t hold it to …
Does Local need to be held to a higher standard? Danny Sullivan and Chris Silver Smith Respond
I have been thinking about Yahoo lately (big surprise that eh?) and have been mulling over in my head what is what in the world of Local. Thinking that I needed some more voices to compliment what is rattling around in my brain I wanted to hear what others had to say. I sent the …
Local Links of Interest
Dash’s Car Navigator Gives Smart Directions, if Others Participate – Walt Mossburg, WSJ I have not really been following the Dash but after having read Mossburg’s article in the WSJ it struck as quite significant that your car would act as a data “probe” to provide real time traffic information to a community of users. …