Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google+ Local"
Google Now Auto-Merging Google+ Pages Into Google Places Dashboard Listings
Updated 6:30 am 8/21 First spotted on Linda Buquet’s forum earlier today on Monday, Google has announced that they have started auto-merging G+ social functionality into basic (upgraded) Dashboard listings. Here is the Google announcement (bold is mine): Starting today, some pages managed in the new Google Places for Business dashboard will be automatically upgraded …
LocalU Advanced – NYC September 30 – Early bird Discount Ends in 5 Days
Even though it seems like summer will never end, September is rapidly approaching and with it the next Local U Advanced. It is being held September 30th in conjunction with SMX in NYC. Ticket sales have been brisk and only 14 remain, so if you are thinking of joining us, you might want to buy …
Google Places Guidelines No Longer Prohibit City in Your Category Field – Should You Add It?
Joy Hawkins of Imprezzio Marketing, alerted me to this post in the Google forum where a business noted that the Google Places for Business Guidelines do not prohibit the use of city in the category field . Apparently Google has recently changed the Google Places Quality Guidelines and removed the prohibition against the use of geography …
Google Continues Test of Local Call-Out Box
Phil Rozek of Local Visibility shared these two screen shots of a Google test that highlights the sitelinks display on a branded local search with card like outlines. The treatment, first spotted by Moz on a local search in late July, has evolved from a single box around the complete result to a number of …
Google Changes Adwords Express & AdWords with Local Extensions Display
Several more minor updates to the way that local results are displayed on the front page of Google. These may have been in place for a while but they have just sunk in for me if they have been. 1-Review counts now include ratings as well as reviews 2-The pin used on Adwords with the …
Google Upgrades New Dashboard with ‘Remove This Listing” Option
The new Places for Business Dashboard has for the most part been a significant improvement over the old Dashboard in most regards. That being said, it was missing one critical feature: you couldn’t remove a listing from the dashboard once you had started the claiming process. That self evident feature has finally be added (just …
Google Looks to Keep Local Users at Google.com With Two Interface Updates
Google has had a busy week on the local front. The most significant of these updates are two new local interface conventions in the main search results. Clearly Google wants increase the visibility of their reviews and it is going to do so by keeping users on their front page. Yesterday Andrew Shotland started seeing …
10 Reasons that the Google Knowledge Graph Sucks More than the Local Graph
The Knowledge Panel sucks much more than Google Local these days. Its like “Déjà vue all over again” (for those Googlers and other readers too young to know the reference go here). With the Knowledge Graph, like local, Google is attempting to reflect real information about the real world in their search results and, like …
Google’s 5-(orange) Stars Spreading Internationally, to Adwords & Rich Snippets
More folks are reporting the visibility of the 5-Star system on the main search results that Google has been rolling out. I am seeing them at work in Chrome on my Mac but not in Safari or Firefox and I am still not seeing them at home. There were also reports of them being seen …
First Sightings of Stars in the Carousel
Max Minzer captured the first screen shot of stars in the Carousel. The stars are shown with the stars AND ratio in the same red color but when contrasted with the black background they become very, very, very obvious. The reviews are much more obvious than in the 7-pack reported earlier. (Click to view larger): …