Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google Places (Maps & Local)"
Google Tags Update: Google Giveth and Google Taketh Away
This screen shot just came across my desk of a new change to Tags where by the website option (the most effective from my perspective) is being phased out as a Tags destination. You may continue to use it but if you change to another Tag type you will be unable to use the website …
Google Boost – Interview with Chikai Ohazama, Director of Product Management for Maps
Google rolled out their new local ad product, Boost, this morning. I just got off of the phone with Chikai Ohazama, Director of Product Management for Maps and Deanna Yick, Global Communications Google who answered a number of questions for me. Chikai Ohazama is currently focused on local and geo local focused on monetization opportunities. …
Google Boost – More Details
Update: Apparently the nationwide rollout of Boost was an early morning quirk that has been corrected. Boost now only showing in San Francisco, Houston & Chicago according to Chikai Ohazama, Google Maps Product Manager. Apparently Google Boost is appearing across the whole of the US and it is not limited to any specific markets. It …
Google Places Rolls out Simplified AdWord Product “Boost” in Limited Markets
Update 10/27/10 12:00: Here is the Google Lat Long Article on Boost. They note in the article that it is in fact a Beta and only available in SF, Chicago and Houston. Hmm…. seems to be much more visible than that. For additional information about Boost see Google Boost – More Details and Google Boost – Interview …
Google Places: Are Your Reviews Still Missing? Tell Google
In the Places forums today, Google Employee noted the following about the many reports of lost reviews: Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention and sorry for the slow response. We suffered a temporary indexing outage beginning of October that prevented us from correctly serving reviews for some listings. The reviews should now be …
Time to Reexamine hCard to Solve the Call Tracking Issue in Local
The Problem: Call tracking is a valuable tool for business. With the advent of VOIP it has become very low cost and its benefits are available to even the smallest business. The problem is that in Local it can cause much more harm than benefit in the current ecosystem. The use of call tracking numbers …
Get Listed U, Denver
Today, I am presenting at the fourth GetListed.org Local University in the Denver to a full house. If you are coming PLEASE take a moment to introduce yourself as I would love to meet you. For those of you that attended the presentation these links will provide background information and details for a pathway to dig …
Google Finds it Lost Homework – Raises its BBB Grade to a -A
Update: Apparently over the past day or two, Google’s grade has moved up another notch to an -A since I wrote this article earlier in the week. Nothing has changed in the complaint closing statistics that I can see. When my son hit middle school something happened. Each report card was worse than the one …
Google Places Moving Help Closer to the Dashboard?
Google has been upgrading the verification process with both more strictness and more opportunities to communicate problems with Google. These communcation forms are somewhat buried in the Help Files and it is not clear that Google is handling requests with any dispatch but they are positive if weak signs of a movement towards more support …
Jobs: Rant or Reason – iOS4 vs Android, You Decide
Steve Jobs took the unusual step of talking at Apple’s Q4 earning announcements (full audio here). It is being widely characterized as a rant (blistering, impassioned attack, trash talk) across the internet. I found it to be both a well reasoned and convincing articulation of Apple’s and Job’s point of view. Not necessarily correct, not …