Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google Hotpot"
Google Hotpot Recommendations Now Surfacing on Places Page and Maps
Hotpot, Google’s new recommendation engine for local, while still in its infancy is already influencing results in Places and Maps. In Maps, when a searcher sees a listing that has a review from a Hotpot friend, Google will surface that friend’s snippet in the list view. As such, in this case, it is the most …
Google Places Upgrade: Reviews with Sentiments & Hotel Booking Tool
Along with the recent rollout of Hotpot, Google has added new review related features to the Places Page. The first, available on restaurants and hotels (perhap more but not on every type of business) allows you to summarize sentiment about the location: Restaurant: Hotel: The ability to quickly and easily add sentiment will further build …
Google Hotpot – Yelp Meets Netflix in a Local Recommendation Engine
In August I asked: Will Reviews Become Google’s First Successful Foray into Social? It struck me at the time that reviews were Google’s strongest and most successful play into the social world. Google had succeeded with Places to garner a significant number of reviews and with the owner review response feature to garner a strong, …