Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google Offers (Coupons)"
Google Boost Bid Pricing Will Baffle the SMB
Google’s Boost advertising product was meant to be a dead simple way for a small business that had claimed their Places listing, to place a locally highlighted ad onto the front page of Google. It is simple to get started and in some situations, where the targeting is accurate and the price per click is …
Google Offers Rolls Out in NYC And Promises Expansion to Other US Cities
It has been clear from day one that the Google Offers daily deals were coming to both San Francisco and New York City. We just didn’t know when. THe NYC daily offers started this AM with 3 offers, one each from NYC Downtown, NYC Midtown and NYC Uptown. The deals rolled out in NYC are …
Google Testing Coupons in Adwords
@Webmanagementus of Web Management pointed out this Tracfone Adwords ad that includes a Coupon attached to the ad. I had not seen this previously although Greg Sterling had reported on seeing them in the wild on SEL last week. It clearly indicates Google’s desire to expand the roll of coupons as a revenue generator. It …
Google Hiring Offer’s Field Sales Staff in 17 Major U.S. Markets
There have been questions about Google’s desire and willingness to ramp up face to face sales in local markets. Their attempted acquistion of Groupon seemed be to focused on a quick development of an on-the-ground, locally focused sales team. Discussions about their early efforts and ability to succeed in selling local revolve around this question. …
Google Offers 2 Weeks On – The Local Vantage Point
Not being well versed in the deals arena I wanted to better understand Google’s baby steps with their Offers product. I turned to a number of respected folks, that have more experience in the field than I to get their sense of Google’s progress in their newest local effort. Here is the discussion thread from …
Google Hiring Sales Staff in Seattle for Large Scale SMB Acquisition
Thanks to Chris Reilly of Unleashed Online Marketing for this heads up. Google has posted job openings for Sales Manager and Sales Reps for the Seattle area apparently to focus on “Google’s new Commerce related businesses, such as Google Offers, through large-scale SMB acquisition programs“. From the Sales Manager listing: The area: Business Operations and Strategy, …
Google Offers Beta – Status Update
Google Offer’s Beta in Portland started on June 1 and there have been 5 deals in total to this point. Here is a summary of the deals to date: Date Co./URL Deal % off Purchase Window Avail. Sold 6/1 Floyd’s Coffee $3 for $10 work of food 70% 15 hrs 2000 1709 6/2 Uptown Billiards …
Highlights from the Google Offer Business Help Files
The help files for Google Offers have also been expanded to now include actual details about the program. I have abstracted some of the highlights: Participation Requirements To participate in Google Offers, you … should be financially stable, and must have positive customer reviews. Concerns about meeting demand Google will pay you 80% of your share …
First Google Offer Hits in Portland: 70% off at Floyd’s Coffee Shop
The first Google Offer from Portland just hit my inbox. Here are the rules for the offer of the day: Rules that apply to all Google Offers of the Day In addition to the specific terms listed for each offer, these are the rules that apply to all Google Offers, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Cannot …
Google Places Mobile: Is a Broad Rollout of Check-In Offers Imminent?
In early March, Google rolled out Check In offers as a feature for Latitude in Austin. In April the feature was additionally made available to national retailers like Radio Shack and Quiznos. The feature was not made generally accessible to most retailers. At the time I inquired of Google when it would be available more …