Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google My Business Expanding Wheelchair Accessibility Attributes
When Google rolled out the ability to add attributes to single locations earlier this month, they excluded professionals from adding attributes.
I noticed yesterday that now all professionals (doctors, lawyers etc) are encouraged to add the attributes relating to wheelchair accessibility. Unfortunately this is the only attribute that they are allowed to add at this point.
Most listings for which Google knows the information have been autoupdated to include the information. This entails an alert to the business to accept the update.
Clearly Google is looking to enhance their knowledge of the real world’s accessibility. It’s a very positive step.
Google is using the attributes to return local results indicating both the value of attributes and the importance of this particular one. See this search for: wheelchair accessible jeweler Williamsville. Google seems determined to understand that attribute about every business.
Yes we are seeing that in our listings here too. But other listing types have more attributes popping up.
Other than restaurants (which have had multiple criteria since April) what are you seeing beyond ratings, hours and distance?
Mike, The other clients are apparently all restaurants . I’ll keep you posted if I see something new. Lot’s of new minor developments. I hope it continues.
Unrelated, but what is that result below first link? It is expanded now into a carousel with multiple posts and an option to read more. Looks like they all coming from G+. I did not think they did anything like that anymore or maybe I missed something.
@Nathan that is an ongoing experiment known as Google Posts or Podium or something (it really doesn’t have a name).
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