Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Entries Published On December, 2012
Getlisted.org is Joining Forces with SEOMoz – Local U is growing up!
Good friend and advisor, David Mihm, has just announced that Getlisted.org is joining forces with SEOMoz. From the Getlisted Blog: It’s a great day for us, but we’re equally excited for you guys, our users and audience. Everything GetListed has been about so far–giving away a ton of knowledge and as much great functionality as …
Consumer Survey – Where do Consumers find Specialty Lawyers? Not on Facebook
Moses & Rooth Attorneys at Law commissioned me to help them understand how consumers find specialty lawyers. Their goal was to appropriately allocate their marketing dollars in a realistic way between the many choices. Do consumers go to Facebook? How important was their website? What role do reviews play? To that end, we created a Google Survey …
Why I had to Take Chrome Off of My iPhone
CNET writes that Chrome has gained a foothold in mobile but is a no show on the iPhone. Its not hard to understand why most users don’t give it a try but I went so far as to install it on my iPhone was forced to remove it. Not only did it not do what …