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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google+Local Retains Community Image Upload But is Missing a Way to Report Abuses

Reader Dimitar Dimitrov sent me this email comment about Google+Local and the attached screen shot of the Google HQ:

Hello Mike,

I just a reader of your blog (and an SEO freak). I was messing around with the new Google+ Local or whatever they are officially calling it.

While me and one of my buddies were messing around with the official Google Listing –

We’ve spotted that anyone can upload pictures… any pictures! Check the profile and see for yourself 🙂

I’ve attached my mess in case Google fix it before you can see it 🙂

P.S: I hope Google will fix this bug ASAP…

My response:

Dear Dimitar:

Welcome to the world of Google Local. As they say this a feature NOT a bug.

This capability has long been abused on Google Places and the feature has migrated over to the new Google+Local Page. In Places there was an option to report the image as inappropriate. It does not appear that feature has arrived to Google+Local. I don’t know when that will take occur. In the meantime it is not clear what a business should do if he runs afoul of an ex-girlfriend or a malicious competitor with compromising photos.

BTW I love your sense of humor. My only regret is that my own library of images does not include such classics!

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