Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Outbreak of “We Do Not Support This Location” Now Under Control?
Over the past two days a raft of posters noted in the forums that their listings were now showing the dreaded “We Currently Do Support This Location”. For most of these listings the fix of “poking the listing” with an edit/submit in the dashboard did not return the listing to the index. Google posted this note in the forums and attempted to consolidate the many postings into this post.
At 2:41 AM EST Joel Headley, head of Places customer support posted this update noting that Google had fixed the problem:
Google Employee
2:51 AM
Best answer – Joel_H (Google Employee)
We’ve just finished making some changes to restore listings. Sorry for the issue and thanks all for your patience.
Could you check again and let us know if the issue persists?
I think for most listings it is likely that they have returned. A number that I checked had returned but not all.
This is not the only “quirk” in Places and the Places Dashboard this week. There have been many and I presume that there were will be more as Google rolls out incremental changes. I would suggest that you postpone any work you may have in Places for a few days and let the dust settle.
Hi Mike,
I’ve got one that disappeared about a week ago, got it back through making some changes to it, and now it’s gone again. (2/16 – 9:05 central time)
Since the Valentine’s Day holiday is over, I thought I’d take the time to watch our traffic and order volume for a while before I make an attempt to get it back this time. It was gone yesterday morning and even so, order volume had actually increased over the same day last year.
This particular site is continually issued blended results for search, so I got a shocking rank checker report today showing major drops across the board.
I wonder if it will come back on it’s own shortly?
Here is what Google is saying to users:
Thanks for contacting us regarding your Places problem. We’ve recently experienced technical issues with Places and you may have experienced your verified listing no longer appearing on Maps. We’ve put the fix in place and listings should be appearing appropriately now.
Please check your listing in our search results, and if the problem persists, try going to your listing dashboard and selecting ‘Edit’ and ‘Submit’. This may help get the right information appearing in our search results. If you’re still experiencing your original problem in 24h, please respond to this message.
[…] complex problems created by the system like merges via the Google Place Help troubleshooters. The emergency messaging, need when Google self inflicts turmoil in the Places index, has improved. Mapmaker, although […]
Hi Mike,
I was also recieving the same message and did have to contact them again in 24 hours. Currently waiting for a response; hopefully we’ll get it figured out soon!
I have experienced it too, and I thought, I was removed due to their recent updates. I checked the other day and there I was, back in the list.
Hey Mike, we just had someone trying to post a review on one of our sites in GP and is profile pic ended up on our GP page and then its not showing as verified so when i log in and click the view my page.. it gives me the dreaded we do not support this location. Oh, also knocked out our videos from showing.
What may have caused a user trying to post a review to cause such havoc like this?
Looks like it is happening again grrrr!
Any time you claim and verify a record you will now get this message for 24-36 hours. Nothing you can do. It will go away as soon as the index catches up with itself.
I’m still experiencing this with my own listing. I have been resubmitting with no luck. Glad to know I’m not alone.
If the problem persists for longer than 24 hours after you do a submit at this point, then you need to make a Troubleshooter request.
I did my first submit last night. I’ll check it again tonight and do just that if it’s not fixed. Thanks Mike.
[…] (Maps & Local) – Mike Blumenthal – 7:13 pm The last 3 or 4 months in Places have been quite erratic. Some data that had been posting from Places in moments had gone to weeks. It […]
Hi Mike…
And hi to all that have experienced this issue of “not currently supporting this location”…
I was wondering for those who have been experiencing this issue recently for and extended period of time, if there has been any good news of restored listings…
I have a listing in a corporate office building that I’ve validated (postcard) 2 times successfully… however the location supported error persists…
and what’s worse… the other businesses in this building are showing up fine in maps… just not my mine…
How do I go about making a troubleshooter request?
I hope everybody finds a solution to their location issues…
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