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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google Maps Desperation: What advice would you give?

I post in the Google Maps Help forums and regularly receive emails from other forum readers. I received this one yesterday asking for advice. 

Hi Mike,
I wanted to thank you for your contributions to the various, un-centralized (Mapspam) threads on Google about this topic. In a way, it seems like you are the only one reading the complaints!

I won’t bore you with the details, but I am another small business owner suffering because of a google-map manipulator/spammer. I have read your blog, and thank you for writing it.

Do you have any advice for getting Google to pay attention to the spam reports I have been sending in? At this point, my business is providing the only paycheck for my family of four, and the spammers are driving us out of business.

Thanks in advance for any help you could offer,

Laurel (bellastella)
Portland, OR


Besides Self-immolation in front of the Google’s Headquarters, what advice would you give her to get Google to pay attention?