Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google enhances Streeetview in Europe and sees traffic jump in UK
Yesterday released a bunch of new Street View images for cities in the UK and The Netherlands. Today Robin Goad of Hitwise reports a huge jump in traffic for Google Maps in the UK:
There was an attendant increase in visit duration as well:
It is interesting to note that the average visit time for UK visitors was significantly less than that of the worldwide average time for Maps users but that the rollout seems to, at least temporarily, put the two population’s average time at parity.
People really enjoy that street view option.
That they do. But the increase in US coverage did not elicit the same sort of response. Do you think that user time on MapsUK will stay high or drop back once the “thrill is gone”?
Amazing jump in traffic. Wait till they add this in China, Japan, and Korea. Google will continue to dominate as long as they do things like this.
I have to admit that its an other publicity stunt from Google. And I’ll have to add that Google will never get too much traffic. The more traffic they have and the more their bank account grows its just the Google way.
Actually William, while the SteetView is very popular. Google is really after the underlying geo-spatial data so that they may someday replace TeleAtlas.
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