Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Intros Search Ads on Google Mobile Search
Just received this email from Google:
Search Ads on Google Mobile Search
Hello Michael Blumenthal,
We are happy to announce a new feature that will allow you to
easily reach additional qualified customers who are searching
Google from their mobile phones.
In the next few days, your search ads will be eligible to run on
Google Mobile Search pages (like they currently do on Google.com).
We are offering this feature – and any resulting clicks – for
free through November 18, so you can experiment with the rapidly
growing mobile platform while still reaching qualified customers.
Each ad’s eligibility will be determined by its landing page and
only ads with landing pages that can be adapted for viewing on
mobile browsers will be shown. You can monitor each ad’s
performance via a special performance tracking page within your
account called “Performance Data: Search Ads on Google Mobile
Again, you will not be charged for clicks on these ads until
November 19, at which time we will begin charging the usual CPC
prices. And as always, you may opt-out of this feature at any
We hope you find this new feature helpful and profitable, and we
urge you to learn more about it at our AdWords Help Center:
Thank you for advertising with Google AdWords.
The Google AdWords Team
[…] Is your website enabled to be seen on a cellular phone? Are you using Google Adwords to promote your business? If you answered yes to both questions your business may already be displayed as part of Google’s Mobile Ad strategy. I came across a posting by Michael Blumenthal called Google Intros Search Ads on Google Mobile Search in which a letter was sent from Google indicating their short-term strategy for mobile ads and the criteria to be displayed. Here is a copy of that letter: […]
[…] Some Google advertisers received a mail that informed them about Google AdWords’ extension to the mobile space: In the next few days, your search ads will be eligible to run on Google Mobile Search pages (like they currently do on Google.com). We are offering this feature – and any resulting clicks – for free through November 18, so you can experiment with the rapidly growing mobile platform while still reaching qualified customers. […]
[…] The email that Google sent is included below, it first appeared on Blumenthals.com blog. […]
[…] Google: Mobile-Adwords launched – Free Promotion Google startet Mobile-Adword Nachdem Google für einigen Wochen bekannt gab, auch Mobile-Adword-Advertising anzubieten folgen jetzt taten. Bis am 18.11.07 können Online-Adword-Werbekunden auch von kostenlosen Mobilen Werbeanzeigen für Google-Search profitieren, sofern diese bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen. Mike Blumenthal hat auf seinem Blog eine Mail von Google mit folgendem Inhalt veröffentlicht: We are happy to announce a new feature that will allow you to easily reach additional qualified customers who are searching Google from their mobile phones. […]
[…] Google announced recently that they’re going to start running advertisements from their existing pool of Adwords ads against mobile pages by transcoding the pages for advertisers so that they’re usable from mobile devices. I can see it being a really touchy subject, Omar has his take and Russ has his take. There are probably some fundamental differences that might never come together on this one. […]
[…] Google Intros Search Ads on Google Mobile Search […]
[…] Emerce Google Helpcentrum Google Helpcentrum (engelstalig) MobielBreedband SearchEngineLand Mike Blumenthal Stem op dit artikel / voeg artikel toeaan: […]
[…] Aber nicht nur die Frage für wen die Information bestimmt ist, sondern auch die Frage wo der Nutzer sich gerade örtlich aufhält ist Bestandteil der Personalisierung. Werbung (oder auch Behavioral Targeting) könnte so z.B. für den Empfänger viel "nützlicher" sein, wenn er das beworbene Produkt auch wirklich sofort kaufen könnte, wenn er sich aktuell nur ein paar Meter vom Shop entfernt aufhält. Bisher fehlt in der Informationssteuerung die geografische Komponente komplett. Jeder User erhält Alles, egal ob die Information an seinem Aufenthaltsort passend ist oder nicht. Adressiert wird dieses Thema seit einiger Zeit unter der Überschrift Location Based Services. Sogar eine eigenständige LBS-Branche entwickelte sich in den letzten Jahren, um Dienste auf mobilen Geräten mit integriertem GPS-Empfänger zu entwickeln und anzubieten. Fast immer geht es um das Ziel Kundendaten, Werbung, Routen, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Events usw. in Abhängigkeit der Person und des Aufenthaltsortes auf das Gerät einzuspielen. Offensichtlich gibt auch in dieser Branche Google mit GEO-Based Search und Location Based Advertising die Marschrichtung der ortsabhängigen Informationsaufbereitung vor. Für uns, als kleiner Anbieter ist dies jedoch eine weitere Bestätigung dafür, dass wir mit unseren Diensten zur intelligenteren Informationssteuerung durch Personalisierung schon lange auf dem richtigen Weg sind. […]
Hello Michael,
I came here through the pingback. Do you know how to find out if this is really working, and at least somehow accepted? I believe that this might be a cool feature, but is not relevant at this time. I’d like to know the percentage of clicks coming over the mobile search.
Hi Branchenbuch
I would explore pay per click blogs as they probably have the info you are looking for.
If you have an adwords account and a site that is mobile viewable you should be able to test yourself as according to Google:
You can monitor each ad’s performance via a special performance tracking page within your adwords account called “Performance Data: Search Ads on Google Mobile Search.â€
[…] advertisers specifically had to choose to be in mobile sponsored search results. Then, in a fairly well publicized move, Google decided to make mobile an opt-out for AdWords […]
I believe you need a small, special format web site with a dot mobi or similar mobile domain extension…or is a .com or .net ok for using Adwords through the mobile search network? Thanks. GD.
Google will allow any site that plays well with mobile so it wouldn’t necessarily require .mobi.
Hi Michael,
Do you think that this is worth a try at all? I personally never surf on my mobile phone simply because the screen is too small for me. I see the point though – it seems to be the future of internet anyway 🙂
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