Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Entries Written By Mike Blumenthal
Sources for Google Map’s Restaurant Local Listing data
In Part 1 of this series I reviewed which directories Google is using in creating their Local Listing for Restaurants. In Part 2 I looked at their sources for reviews and ratings and its impact on ranking. In this third installment I will review the aggregate results of all data Google uses in providing information …
Which Restaurant Review sites are used by Google Maps?
Several weeks ago I did some research on which directories Google Maps referenced to provide details for their local search. Matt McGee of Small Business SEM suggested looking at which review sites were used as well. I took the same approach and analyzed which sites were used to provide review/rating detail to Google Maps. Here …
Google Plus Box now standard?
Update 12/21: The PlusBox is now visible in FireFox and Safari on the Mac Matt Cutts recently wrote of a New Google UI feature: Plus Box. Several things interest me about this announcement: First and foremost it is another push of local data out the main Google search window. This will continue to make Google …
Here today and gone tomorrow! Where did Google Click to Call go off to?
The news of Google rolling out Click to Call spread like wild fire last week. I expressed optimism about the service while some, like Matt McGee expressed reservations about its impact. Pundits not to worry. Its gone today. Not sure what happened to it either. When I searched today from Olean, NY it was gone. …
Which On-line Directories provide details to Google Maps
Google Maps attempts to gather authoritative details of a local business by crawling & parsing the semi-structured data of on-line directories (see also Bill Slawski’s patent summary). I was curious which directories they actively use to fill in the details section. To start answering that question I analyzed the directories listed Google Maps in the …
Example of Google testing integration of local & organic
Greywolf at threadwatch.org had an interesting post on Google testing the inclusion of Google Map data with the organic results beyond what they are currently doing. Obviously Google will be pushing their local data further into the mainstream at every opportunity and I expect to see experiments of this ilk as they determine what really …
Gone for the Holidays
Will return from family visits on 11/30/06 so my postings will be sporadic at best.
Will free long distance service accelerate adoption?
I and others (see Bill Slawski’s posts) have lamented the step child stature of Google Maps and Google’s apparent unwillingness to push it out to the consumer. It has always seemed to be such a valuable service that was hidden away and hard to find. Greg Sterling talked of the difficulties with the Coupon feature. …
Google Maps Click to Call now live
On November 2, I noted a beta of the Google Maps Click to Call feature. The feature is now live and out of beta on Google Maps listings. To see the feature you must be in the list view. It works flawlessly, asking your phone number, dialing the listing and then ringing through. According to …
Which business classes benefit most from Local Search
Which business sectors would be best served by optimizing their local listings? Clearly not all business types are searched on equally and some are not searched at all. To develop the data to analyze I went to the Overture Keyword Selector tool and typed just the city name with no state modifier for 4 relatively …