Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Places: Respond To Review Fixed (Again)
The “Respond Publicly as the Owner” is now working once again. According to Stephen from Google, the respond to review feature for Places listing owners is now fixed. Reports in the forum indicate that those recently experiencing the problem are also noting the problem as fixed.
We’ve rolled out an update today that should resolve this issue for users that were having technical issues posting owner responses. Responses that did not show up on your listings after posting should have been restored.
If you are still experiencing issues with this feature please be sure of the following:
1. That you’ve verified your listing using Google Places [1].
2. That you’re logged into the Google account that has claimed the listing you are trying to post the response for.
If you are still experiencing the issue of being able to post a response but the response not showing up on your listing please let me know on the attached thread [2].
The feature was rolled out in August but starting in September, reports starting rolling in as to a problem. Initially it was thought that users with their listing in two accounts were logging in with the less dominant listing and/or there was a browser compatibility problem.
That did explain some of the issues. Google did once report the problem as solved but again reported problems persisted throughout January and February.
Hopefully the problem is solved for good this time. We shall see.
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