Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Citysearch & InsiderPages reviews are now back in Google
This morning I wrote a piece: Google Maps: The changing landscape for reviews that speculated on the removal of CitySearch, InsiderPages and Yelp reviews from Google Maps.
They were gone. I verified that on a specific and general basis as recently as January 6th. A reader has pointed out that they are now back. CitySearch, InsiderPages & Yelp reviews are all back.
His search tip of including the site: command in Maps is a very useful search technique. For example if you are looking to see if there are CitySearch reviews for Bradford PA Restaurants enter the following in the Maps search field:
restaurant site:citysearch.com bradford pa
The specific case of the missing Beefeater’s Restaurant reviews in Bradford that I had inquired of Maps Guide Jen have reappeared. I guess Google can just misplace a couple hundred thousand million records. Too bad, I was having fun with the speculation of what goes on in the black box. 🙂
Mike –
Thanks so much for the alert! Wouldn’t you know…just last night I sent an article to Jen and Stoney for publication on SEG and I was writing about CitySearch/Insider Pages being gone from Maps. ARRGGGH! I’ve just written to them telling them to stop the presses. Are the Yelp reviews still missing, Mike? Do you know? Any word on that?
Thanks again for keeping me posted.
If you go into Maps and in the single search box enter something like restaurant site:yelp.com you will see that there are tons of them.
Oh, duh, your article says Yelp. I wasn’t seeing them, myself, and I just skipped over that word reading the above. 🙂 Sorry
[…] Blumenthal is really keeping on top of this stuff! As he reports, the missing Yelp, City Search and Insiderpages reviews have reappearedin Google Maps. How did Google lose these? How did they find them again? I suspect that will remain […]
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