Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Just How Long Can a Google My Business Name Be?
Update 5/8: And the answer is 100! I continued testing and determined that if attempting to use 101 characters, the edit gets rejected with a Please enter fewer characters message:
My exploration inside the Google Spam Hall of Shame made me curious exactly how long a business name could be. While I have yet to find the absolute limit I have determined that it is somewhere between 97 and 107 characters. Not sure how I have lived this long without that piece of information.
Armed with this knowledge you can now go modify your business name to your heart’s content.
Poster Ewan Kennedy of Adduce SEO in Surrey is getting into the spirit of this challenge. He hit 97. Do I hear 98?
One of my favorite local ones here in Cape Town:
“Borruso’s – Too now Italiano’s Pizza&Pasta -same owner and staff just a name change!”
Love the exclamation mark at the end,and it does not matter how many times I flag it, it seems to somehow comply with the guidelines of what I assume is a multi dimensional Google from a parallel universe.
But what drives me even crazier is that one of my clients verified listings with 7 reviews,active YouTube,Google+,virtual tour does not appear but a unverified duplicate listing containing wrong information – and the lovely support team in India responds with the usual ….a link to the instructional verification video on YouTube. I was actually told this week that the caller(clearly Indian) cannot identity his location as it is top secret
But on a lighter side verified 11 listings this week and got telephone option every time, felt like I had won the lotto
Nice one. Although its still not the record as it is “just” 85 characters long.
I wonder what the longest legit name in the world is?
Shameless! I struggled to get over 100 characters but succeeded with 97 characters “AdJuice SEO Services – SEO Company in Surrey, Testing (Thanks to Blumenthals.com) GMB Name Limits”
LOL, I can see the names growing by the hour as SEO’s read this post and start playing with it.
Posts like this are what make this the best local SEO blog out there 🙂 Love the lips emoji!
Have you found when you are doing these tests, especially to get Google to get their self together, that you get banned or your GMB removed? We’ve done changes as simple as adding minor updates only to find it removed and had to appeal it. This has happened 3 times, they always return it but this just seems like this would be an instant removal. Or maybe they know damn well who you are and what you are doing 🙂
This test was done quite a while ago… and I haven’t tried it lately. Maybe there are new filters in place, I couldn’t say.
Also it is likely to be very category dependent. With spammy categories more regulated than a less spammy category.
Makes sense. Thanks for the response
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