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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

In Search of The Purchased Google Review. Yours for $1.40 ea.

Last night I went in search of the purchased Google review. I was curious what the high ranking results were for phrases like buy Google reviews and how much a review would cost.

Far and away the most compelling was from the number 1 ranked exact match domain: Reviews started at $2 each when buying 5 but got down to $1.40 when buying 50. You have to love their proclamation of integrity that jumps out upon arriving at the site. I suppose that the people are real… its the reviews I am worried about:

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The second ranking result was an eBay search result that offered reviews from $3.48 ea when buying a quantity 5 of them to $10 a review that included a 30 day guarantee.

The vendor providing the guaranteed results used only “professional writers genuinely based in the US, Canada and the UK”. Unfortunately they only served “Vegan and Family friendly sites only”… hmm strange set of values that. No burgers while we craft an illegal review. Well at least the cows are safe.

This eBay reseller’s total command of the English language was reassuring:


I will write 5 Excellent Google Reviews (5*****) for you and provide you with a best service, with good english and completed on time .

If you want to expand your business and make good market share then this service is perfect for you !

We will submit 5 Positive Reviews to Google places page of your Business .

– All of our reviews are submitted from legitimate Google accounts and different US IP addresses so it’s 100% safe .


One assumes that these sites and resellers get customers and successfully sell some reviews. Google offers them up top search ranking and eBay allows their services to be pitched even though illegal. I recognize that the internet is often a cesspool. But Google’s (and eBay’s) inability to control what they in effect create is amazing even when its to their own detriment.

We live in strange times.