Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Local Spam Hall of Fame: Game Going
Yesterday I challenged the community to:
1- Find a business with a name (spammy or not) that is longer than 171 characters
2- Determine exactly how long name spam can be
The Contestants so Far
On Twitter, Brandon Schmidt submitted a solid contender, weighing in at 204 characters. Although as he points out “if they added spaces after each comma, they could have made it even longer”. Just where is that grammar checker when you really need it?
Yan Gilbert submitted this most excellent example of name spam… Is it cheating to go to India where the spam is probably worse than Los Angeles1?
Since I didn’t specify location in the original rules the judges have informed me that it is an acceptable answer. And it is clocking in at solid 297 characters to boot!
The contest is still open. If you find a contender, send it along. If you determine the maximum number of characters2, let me know.
1- To prove my point here is a screen shot from #Suvidha Now’s home town, where #Suvidha Now doesn’t even rank first for their own brand search:
2- OK, thinking I could solve the length of the field maximum, I tried to edit the name via the Google suggest an edit feature. I was told that I needed to enter a “valid name”. No irony there.
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