Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Website Adds 100,000 New Sites Since Launch
On June 13th Google introduced Google Website, their single page web builder for (very) small businesses, worldwide. The product had been in testing since last year and appears to be targeted primarily at developing countries. How is it going two weeks on? How many sites have been built?
I have been tracking the daily increase in the results for the query: site:business.site and recording the changes. Since introduction roughly ~100,000 new websites have been created.
This works out to roughly 7300 new pages per day since introduction. Hundred thousand here, a hundred thousand there… soon it adds up to real numbers.
Do you think Google is happy with the numbers?
Thanks for sharing this information! I hope that Google will see additional success with the Website Feature through Google My Business so they can start introducing better features, and ways to measure it!
Hola Mike. Buen trabajo de documentación.
El objetivo final de las cosas que hace Google, solo las sabe el propio Google y no siempre es así, pero en este caso, para responder a tu pregunta, sobre si Google esta contento o al contrario, no lo esta, con el resultado obtenido, opino que habría que concretar algunos datos mas sobre las características de los 100.000 nuevos sitios web.
1- ¿Cuantos sitios web, corresponden a negocios que ya estaban Verificados?
2- ¿Cuantos corresponden a negocios con ficha existente pero que no tenia reclamada la propiedad?
3- ¿Cuantos nuevos negocios, se han dado de alta, animados por esta nueva característica?
Tras obtener estos datos y según los porcentajes que Google esperase, podremos observar mejor, lo contento que esta, pero si queremos ver a Google radiante de felicidad, ahora dependerá de si estos nuevos sitios web, con la posibilidad de usarlos como página de destino, animan a los propietarios a realizar mas o nuevas campañas de publicidad en Adwords.
¿Que gasto directo vendrá de estos 100.000 y posteriores sitios web?.
Mike ~ I created one of these for a client. The website looks awesome for them and the price was awesome! And there was no way they would have ever had a website (besides their Facebook page) – could/would not afford it and really they haven’t needed one up until today. I’ll keep you posted on how it works out for them down the line.
Thanks for sharing this information! I hope that Google will see additional success with the Website Feature through Google My Business so they can start introducing better features.
What sort of business is it? Category? Size?
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