Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local U Advanced – End of Super Early Bird Pricing & Speaker Interview with Joy Hawkins
The LocalU Advanced Super Early Bird Pricing ($599 or $549 for 3 or more) goes up $100 at the end of day 9/8/2016. So order today.
To give you a sense of the kind of speakers and topics we will be dealing with we are interviewing some of the speakers. In this second interview of our speaker series with myself, Mike Ramsey and Joy Hawkins, we cover what’s hot with Google Local and what’s not as well as some interesting tips on dealing with Google issues that might cause a loss of rank. Joy is chock full of Google Local knowledge and you won’t want to miss this video or her session at Local U.
Joy Hawkins of Imprezzio Marketing, one of the leading experts on Google Local, local spam & Google troubleshooting will be heading two sessions at Local U Advanced: Troubleshooting Google My Business Problems, and a deep dive problem solving session on Google Local with myself and Google. If you want to learn the latest in how to maximize your Google Local visibility and fix the many problems that your customers are experiencing with Google, you owe it to yourself and your team to come to LocalU Advanced Nola.
LocalU Advanced takes a deep dive into the nuts and bolts of the bleeding edge of local search. Our upcoming LocalU Advanced takes place the night of October 20th and the day of October 21st.
Good content as always Mike! Around 19-mins you talk about the granular focus of the search radius. We see this focus drilled down to quadrants and neighborhoods in DC for sure, while the radius opens up a bit more in Maryland and Northern Virginia (DC Metro). Also we have noticed that where ever Google Maps IDs the center location for a city, if your address is closer to that marker you get a bit of a boost.
Will you be having the “local U” seminar sometime in 2017? Any date set yet? Thanks.
We are holding an event at the end of February in conjunction with MozCon Local.
See details here: https://moz.com/mozcon-local
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mozcon-local-2017-tickets-29424004991
Mike, any chances to host Local U Advance in Atlanta? We would love to see you here.
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