Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Yelp’s Stoppleman on Interstitials & My Yelp Account
h/t to Matt McGee for assembling this on Storify
h/t to Matt McGee for assembling this on Storify
That sounds EXACTLY how I would expect someone from Yelp to respond. Yelp — the company with ZERO customer service unless you’re paying them to deal with a sales person. Yelp — the company who suppresses positive reviews if you decline to pay them for advertising. Yelp — the company that whines, bitches and moans every time Google does something to help individual business owners and websites as opposed to the 8 inch Gorilla that is Yelp…
Well played, Mike.
Wow – just wow! Guess that’s the real JS.
And way to dish it out Mike!
Why would Yelp offer customer service for free, to non-paying “customers”? Does Google? Does Amazon? Does anyone?
Andrew Google does offer free support.
You know, if I were the CEO of Yelp, about the last person I’d tell to delete their Yelp account would be Mike Blumenthal.
Mike, you’re too modest to say this yourself, so I’m gonna say it for you:
“Dude, Stoppelman, do you realize you just told the man some call the godfather of Local Search and some call Professor Maps to delete his Yelp account? Back to PR 101 for you, man.”
There, I feel better now.
@miriam hah! Thanks for the vote of confidence. I would suggest that
1- he doesn’t much care
2- he manages to consistently conflate the commonweal with Yelp’s interests.
While on the one hand I understand the pressures he is under, I, like you, don’t understand how his continuing attitude serves him, Yelp or the public.
I would suggest that Google’s monopoly interests more closely aligns with consumers interest than his. Google manages to make choices that benefit the consumer and them.
Well-said, Mike. Too bad Lil’ Jeremy didn’t appreciate the diaper change.
@phil I am working double time to not be too snarky.
@Mike Did you delete your account? :0)
Mike, you should have at least offered Stoppelman some cheese to go with his whine.
Ironically, I was reviewing a client’s listing on Yelp the other day. Yelp’s paid listings on top of his profile and “crap” ads for other competitors along right side of page. “Ads powered by Google”.
All this proves that Stoppelman is both a punk and a hypocrite.
So much entertainment!
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