Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
New Google Knowledge Panel Business Photo Shenanigans
Google, never particularly transparent about how to get the photos that you want to show in your Knowledge Panel, seems to be throwing another curve ball to local businesses (h/t to Lance Moore at Uptick marketing in Birmingham and Destin).
While the image that you chose as a profile photo might show, now when you click on it, you are taken to Google Image search, rather than to the businesses chosen photos for that business that were uploaded via the Google My Business Dashboard.
If the listing no longer notes “see photos” in the lower right of the Knowledge Graph profile image then the images, when clicked will take the user to Google Image search.
The images showing in Google Image search may or may not be very relevant. In my case I am seeing images for my long dead father, a politician named blumenthal, a uniform stored named Blumenthal, some images from blog posts and who knows what else.
If this is a new feature, I can sum up my thoughts on it very succinctly:
It Sucks.
A business should be able to put photos of itself and they should have some measure of control over those photos. Taking users to random photos is bad for everyone. Do businesses need one more reputation management/(stupid) SEO task on their plate?
If this is more than a test then shouldn’t businesses be advised? At some point, this change MIGHT make sense.
But businesses that have focused on uploading images to the GMB now need to think about being sure that their images on their website are actually the ones that Google should show. It seems a lot to ask of most small businesses. And they need to be aware that images from around the web could be showing thus creating both a new SEO obligation PLUS a new reputation management concern.
The change has not occured to hotel Knowledge Panel images nor big brands like Target and Best Buy. And for now, images in the Local Finder still reference the GMB and Maps images. The change seems to be impacting SMB Knowledge Panels only at this point.
This is really fun to deal with if you work with any kind of plastic surgeon. 😐
This is a really, really big mistake on Google’s part. Their image search is nowhere near useful or accurate enough to be used for this sort of thing. And the damage this is doing to small businesses is huge.
Your article prompted me to conduct a fresh Google Image Search for my business name “Hill Web Creations”. I was fascinated by what came up – and pleased. After doing a click-through test on the top 20, it appears that most are drawn from my Google+ posts for my businesses page. Few link directly to the exact page or post on my website.
try updating information for a business.. so far i have submitted 30+ requests for change… (getting closer to 50 now..) knowledge panel is broken…
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