Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Picking A Google Review URL
I have just published an article on the GetFiveStars* blog titled: Google Reviews – One URL To Rule Them All where you can read some ideas on picking a single Google URL for an SMB review program:
With the recent divorce of Google Plus and Google My Business, they have once again thrown a Google monkey wrench into the review process. If you are not using GetFivesStars (where we get to worry about these details) you need to decide which review URL to give your customers going forward.
The link you give to your customer should just work all the time and make it easy for your customers to see and leave you reviews at Google. For most small businesses doing their own review requests you ideally want a link that:
- Gets your customer very close to the place on Google to be able to leave a review with the fewest clicks and scrolls.
- Works in both desktop and mobile environments (as mobile usage is reaching 50% of all web viewing).
- Works whether the user is already logged in to Google or not.
- And finally, is a link that you never have to change.
*Note that I am a co-founder and principal in GetFiveStars.com, an agency & SMB friendly feedback and review solution.
Love the idea of a redirect on a user-friendly URL. This removes any FUD and takes the reviewer to exactly where they need to leave a review. Great advice!
Thanks. Its a relatively simple tip that isolates the business and to some extent the agency from the massive amount of BS that the frequent changes at Google causes.
I am surprised that the people at Google don’t think about things like making it more convenient to get reviews, instead of less. Of course those of us in this community will be ahead of the curve.
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