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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

My Business Locations Business Accounts – A Tool to Manage Social in Bulk

Google has just announced the availability of My Business Locations (i.e. bulk) Business Accounts. Essentially this feature allows for an easy secure way to add social managers in bulk and to transfer the ownership of the bulk account or parts of the account to another users.Business accounts provide a safe way to share management of your locations with multiple users. “Business accounts are like a shared folder for your locations–a simple way to share access to a set of locations with coworkers.”

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 7.41.17 AMIn the past ownership and management has been associated with the location. Google has abstracted ownership from a listing level to an account level and the listing locations or a group of listings locations can be associated with that account. And that business account can have an owner and managers.

Perhaps this goes without saying but maybe not. The bulk accounts needs to have been upgraded to the My Business Listing status before these new business accounts can be implemented so if your account has not yet been upgraded, you need to continue waiting.

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Create a business account

Creating a business account is straightforward and quick with two straightforward steps. Note that the business account needs to be verified for the locations.

1- Select the link to create the account and add a name

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 7.41.34 AMScreen Shot 2014-10-14 at 7.42.17 AM2- Request verification of that name for the email account if it has not already been granted.

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