Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Why a Business Should Always Add Photos to their Google Plus Page for Local
Todd Mintz highlighted this search result a few days ago on Google Plus. It so clearly illustrates why a business should take the time to fill out every aspect of their Google Plus Local profile, add at least one post AND add some photos of their choosing.
If you don’t the borg’s machine will vacuum up whatever it finds and will show what it thinks is relevant; like this photo from one of the business’s wordpress content sub directories on their website.

Their Google+ Local Page, while claimed, is devoid of any content or photos. If they had added at least one photo and noted it as a profile photos it is likely that Google would have shown it instead:
Obviously they also should add a cover photo and a few posts to the post page as well. See: Google+ Pages for Local: An SMB Survival Guide for some tips on doing just enough to get by on your Google + Local Page.
Our name is Mutt, and we work under the bridge in portland, Or…
Apparently that’s not all they do under the bridge 😉
Home run on the example Mike – Add at least 1 photo to your G+ Business Page.
That’s probably one of the worst ways to give a first impression to a potential client! From the way their website is designed and laid out it looks like branding is important to them, it’s hard to imagine that this was a simple oversight… but it can happen even to professional advertising agencies.
Just goes to show that many businesses simply don’t pay attention to their Google+ Local page. You’d think a marketing company would occasionally Google themselves though.
Does make you wonder what made the algo pick that one? There are so many good ones to choose from. They could have picked this one: http://muttindustries.com/2013/12/mutt-wins-a-rosey/ 😉
Mike: Spot on post and reminder and references to your localU post from late January on how to deal with the ever changing UI that google is presenting to searchers.
Google+, just like any social networking site, is part of your social networking/brand. Anything that you don’t maintain or control will be left open for someone else to take over. not to mention adding pictures and content is a great way to give potential new customers pertinent information.
I think having a photograph of the business owner gives the company a face and makes it more personal, rather than distant. Customers like to know they are dealing with a person, rather than a machine or a closed corporate door.
May i know if i have uploaded the latest photo to Google + page, will it show the latest one or oldest one? How long for Google to update it to be the latest photo? As i see there is no changes on photo when i search on it. Thanks.
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