Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
A Step By Step To Recover Your “We Currently Do Not Support This” Location in MapMaker
Pending Google’s recovering listings that had been erroneously removed from the Local index, Google advised businesses that they could try to recover the listing themselves via MapMaker.
Jeff Maltz asked the question as to the specifics of how this was to done. I thought the question deserved a thorough and technical answer so that others in the same place could enter MapMaker partially armed. Not being fully versed in the arcane world of MapMaker, I asked Dan Austin, a long time MapMaker user and expert to explain the process in detail.
Jeff’s question:
I’m curious if anyone out there has actually been successful at getting a listing that was removed from Places, but still showing up on Maps, back on Places per Google’s note
“If you’re confident that your business fits within our guidelines, then search for your business at mapmaker.google.com and see if it has been marked as removed. If you’re able to find it, attempt to undo the removal and reinstate your listing on Maps. It may take a couple of days for your reinstatement to be processed.”
How do you undo a removal from Places? What are the exact steps i should take here? My listing is still showing up in Maps just not Places.
Thanks for your help in advance!
Dan Austin’s answer:
The trouble is in finding it [a record that has been removed from the Places index] in MM. Most business owners never bothered to save their Place page URL, but if you can recover that, about 50% of the time you can recover the original MapMaker URL. The other half of the problem is some POIs are not recoverable from MM, no matter what you do. That is the “widespread technical” issue that Google is talking about.
I’m also confused by his terminology. Visible on Maps but not Places? I assume he mean Map Maker:
1. Go to the Place page. If it shows the message We don’t support this location, that isn’t an issue.
2. Recover the CID number from the Place page, which should look like this:
http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=705997672099256085 (The Place page is visible if you click on Edit business details or Edit details on the Google+ Page. It also recoverable by clicking on the Map pin to the right of listing.)
3. Plug the CID number (which is only a number—no letters: 705997672099256085) into this formula:
…so it reads:
4. Cut/paste the URL into the address bar of your browser. Open that location.
5. If it comes up with an error message, then the POI is most likely irretrievably lost. Go to step 16.
6. If it shows as Removed or Closed in details view, click on Edit.
7. If it doesn’t show as Removed or Closed, open it for editing to check the status.
8. If there are checkboxes for Remove or Closed, uncheck them.
9. If there are no checkboxes, then look for any recent edits that say Place removed or Place closed in history. Undo that edit, choose reason as Correcting poor data. If there are no recent edits with that status, then it’s likely unrecoverable. You can try to undo the most recent edits that have no status message, but this may or may not work, since you don’t know what you’re undoing.
10. If you’re able to uncheck the boxes or undo the edit, save the edit. Any error messages means it’s likely unrecoverable.
11. Copy/paste the MM URL from your pending edits, and go this forum:
12. As the title, post the location (NY, NY)
13. Explain what you’re trying to do.
14. Wait for approval from either Google Map Maker Reviewers (GR) or an Regional Expert Reviewer (RER). Post again if you don’t get a satisfactory response within 48 hours.
15. Place page should reappear within 24 hours (often instantly). If it doesn’t appear, then there’s other issues that can’t be resolved in MM, and you’ll need to use Places support.
16. Search for the POI in MM (http://www.google.com/mapmaker), using the search box. Is it a dupe that you’re editing, rather than the original?
Here’s how to check if it’s a dupe, or if it’s the original:
16a. Open the POI in a separate tab. Right click on URL, open in separate tab.
16b. Edit. Click history. Does the history match with the changes you’ve made? Does it have a history? If no on either question, then it’s likely a dupe, and your original Place page is unrecoverable.
16c. To check further, right click, Find cid. Does the CID match the original Place page URL? If you don’t have the original Place page URL, plug the copy/pasted CID number (example: 705997672099256085) into the following URL formula: http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=
so it reads http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=705997672099256085
16d. Open this URL. If it’s a We do not support this location or a page that doesn’t match your original listing, then it’s not your claimed listing.
Best practices for managing Place pages.
Record the following URLs:
1. Google+
2. Place
3. Map Maker
Example for Good Food Store:
1. Google+: https://plus.google.com/107937670594974239538/
2. Places: https://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=705997672099256085
3. MM: http://www.google.com/mapmaker?gw=39&fid=0x535dcddf42144869:0x84ed04d79b4b8549
If you have that info, then almost any POI is recoverable and editable, no matter what it’s status.
1. That is an extremely helpful piece of information.
2. Its complicated with many steps.
Frankly, I think I need to review this several times over to get a sense of the interplay between Places//google+local and mapmaker
Thanks for the info, and thanks, Dan.
We have about 10 clients that have lost their Google Places/Google + Local business listing. I have tried all the tricks, even recreated listings like Google suggested. Still “we do not support this location”. I have the original id’s for most and when I do what is suggested above I cannot see the listing anywhere. Is there no hope at this point?
But 1st thanks Mike and Dan for incredibly useful information. Powerhouse MapMaker tips!!!
Here’s the new info. Google IS working on this problem. The old advice that came out in the support email saying try to find your listing on MM and if you can’t find it, delete your listing and start over is NO LONGER VALID.
Well now reading Dans tips above, I guess if you can find it and feel comfortable with MM go ahead and try to save it. BUT if you can’t get to it in MM, I would not suggest deleting and starting over for a wide variety of reasons IF there is any hope of getting your original listing back.
If you have a valid listing that meets the guidelines (for instance if you had already hidden address and were erroneously removed) or if you have since complied and hidden your address, Google is working on a fix so they can try to bring your original listing back.
Jade recently added a little advice about the issue to the bottom of the support sticky here: Seeing “We currently do not support this location” on your listing?
“Update — We’re currently experiencing an issue displaying some pages, affecting service area businesses in particular. My recommendation is that you make absolutely certain that you follow the quality guidelines, and then work through #4 above. You’ll get an email back from the support team that asks you to wait if we think your listing is affected.” (bold by me)
The other update I have for you is that I have just a little hope that the support policy and attitude around this issue are changing for the better.
One guy in the forum who’s listing got whacked, got a reply from support that explained the new rule and the support person said – so I hid your address for you and your listing should be live in 2 weeks.
“So I hid your address for you”. That’s HUGE! What I think they should have done all along is either say this is a new rule and you need to hide address OR give a warning, hide it for them and explain why.
For those suffering loss of Place page I thought it might be helpful to point out if it’s not crystal clear, these removals were for quality guideline violations. Not just the hide your address rule. So in addition to hiding address do through inventory of listings to be sure no other violations. Check categories for the is not does rule, and check for any other violations too.
Thought I’d also copy that latest support email I referred to above here as well. Support also corrects his use of caps – so again really carefully check your listings before submitting to support using #4 in the link above.
GOOGLE SUPPORT EMAIL copied from forum:
“Thank you for contacting Google. Your A & S PLUMBING listing was
experiencing issues due to quality violations. Specifically, using a
residential address as your business location.
In the course of reviewing your question, we took the step of hiding your business address, since it appears that you do not make contact with customers at your physical location. If you do make contact with customers at your location, you may uncheck this box within your Places dashboard.
I also changed your “A & S PLUMBING” to ‘A & S Plumbing’ since we do not allow for information to be in ALL CAPS.
To ensure that your listings contain the most accurate information
possible please continue to freshen the data on your listing from your
account by clicking “Edit” from your dashboard, then clicking “Submit” to
send your information to Google Maps on a regular basis. Your listing
should be live within 1-2 weeks.
Check out the guidelines here:
If your listing is not live after 2 weeks, or if you have any questions or
concerns please reply back to this email thread and I will be happy to
Mike – Thanks for your swift response. I thought I’d let the group know that unfortunately I was not able to undo the removal using Dan’s excellent instructions.
On a positive note, I was contacted by Google customer support on Saturday. In the past I have usually been able to work through the Google support team successfully to get to resolution once the interaction started. I’ll keep you posted.
I too would not delete any Places listing at this point unless instructed to do so by Google customer support.
Mike please for God Sake do not post Dan Austin Aka blissfull’s instruction in your blog. that guy has done more damage to local business than Google did. he deleted so many legitimate business via MapMaker. his strategy is deleting his competitors listing via mapmaker, report competitors business as a spam and promote his business own listing. he use couple of id in Google MapMaker to promote his business, here is the proof : http://www.google.com/mapmaker?gw=55&editids=o39VABbrjK2W0TZDJA
Dan did use several IDs (against MapMaker rules) and has lost his higher level editing privileges. His self chosen task in MapMaker was to attempt to eliminate spam from Places… not an easy task and one that is both difficult to do virtually and one that is likely to create enemies.
These points in no way are a measure of his knowledge nor whether this post is accurate. So while you may not like his work, I would just as soon that you kept the conversation to the topic at hand.
Thank you Linda for update .
Mike these instructions dont work. I tried them.
Google noted in their email that it doesn’t work in all situations where the listing is receiving the We do not support message. If the listing has been purged from MapMaker it doesn’t work. If Google is convinced that the business doesn’t deserve a listing it doesn’t work. It applies to a small segment of those getting the message.
@Mike: @Ben is a well known spammer by the name of Armand Peri, who runs a spam strip club ’empire’ under the brand name of Hunkamania. He has, at most, one location in NYC, and another in Atlantic City. By ‘multiple accounts’ he thinks I’m his competitor, Tracy James, who ran the competing Savage Men network, and also another RER by the name of Mxx. By damage, he means that he hasn’t been able to effectively spam Google Places, because I pulled down about 40 or so spam locations. At this point, he should be aware that GMM knows about his activities, knows exactly where his two locations are, and knows that he’s been using multiple accounts on GMM to promote his spam locations as well as sabotage that of his competitors. In the instance of where I did use multiple MM IDs, I was pretty transparent about it, and I didn’t use either account to make any edits to Armand’s locations, his insane belief to the contrary. He’s been quite active on the Google Places forums using multiple pseudonyms (unlike Armand, I’ve never used any other name except Dan Austin, and my real world name has always been tied to my internet handle), his locations are transparently spammy, and he’s reporting a lot of false and defamatory information. If he would play by the rules (I’ve never touched any of his real locations), this wouldn’t be an issue. Instead, he thinks he can game the system, and all the damage to his business model (lost revenue) have come about from him breaking the rules. The MM POI he pointed out has merged with his listing, but as the original history shows, the POI actually belongs to Savage Men. If he was smart, he would report it instead of trying to manipulate it on MM, but some people just can’t resist the temptation to meddle in things they don’t understand. Finally, I should point out that Tracy James, with my encouragement, tried to come to an understanding with Armand: each was going to establish their ‘real’ locations, leave each other’s listings alone, and stop spamming Google Places. Armand turned him down. So as a result, everything Armand puts up gets pulled down.
Also, the irony here is that I’m posting instructions on how to recover a deleted POI.
Wow at the vile commentary that has spilled over from MapMaker to this blog piece.
The interactivity of MapMaker and Places and the ability to spam in one place or the other with little oversight from google, tempered only by a volunteers trying to do the right thing….is simply astonishing.
Its an astonishing Wild West environment inside the World’s dominant and monopoly directory of all businesses, in which for the most part, Google is primarily hands off and the businesses suffer the consequences.
Nobody gets on Google to put in the resources to clean up its act.
Dan: Thanks for your directions written within the post and your response inside the comments section.
If nothing else this is the tip of the iceberg on the ugly realities inside google places –okay Google+Local.
Hey guys,
Back in March we were told “While waiting for a listing to go live after a claim, it will likely show the “We do not currently support this location” message for the duration of the waiting period.”
Now it appears the error message “We do not currently support this location” applies to older listings that have disappeared as well? Can someone help me understand this better? Are these two separate issues?
Thanks you.
Danielle, Mike just wrote this reply in another post re the do no support message.
“You need to understand though that this message happens for 4 reasons:
1)The listing is new and has not yet been indexed
2)Google has determined that the listing is egregious spam and it has been removed from the index
3)Google has cast a spam net too far and erroneously taken down listings
4)A bug and Google has inadvertently lost your listing (perhaps due to #3 or some other reason)
The only way to know for sure if it is category two, three or four is to ask google via the troubleshooters in the Google Places for Business help files. If the reason is three or four they will tell you if and when it might come back. If it is issue 2 you are screwed.”
Great article, you’re doing Google (and the local SEO community) a service by staying on top of this stuff. This type of thing should be published in the Google Local UI for business owners.
[…] week in Dan Austin’s post: A Step By Step To Recover Your “We Currently Do Not Support This” Location in MapMaker he noted that it was a best practice to record your listing’s url in Google+, Google Maps […]
Any more help/ideas available? Thanks.
Mike – I thought I’d update the group on what’s happened so far with getting our listing live again on Google+Local. At a high-level, it’s not live (“location not supported” issue showing active in places dashboard but not live).
After a few back-and-forths, I was given the feedback that my listing was removed algorithmically because Google thought it was a duplicate listing due to our office moving buildings in the same office complex, ie the address stayed the same but the office number in the complex changed. I did make the change of the office # in Google Places correctly probably a year ago and never had an issue until this past May when the listing was removed. The conversation ended a week ago no update on status here yet — sadly listing still down.
I was also notified that they found the hours we specified as being odd (we use 6a – 5:30a to show we’re 24 hours) since there isn’t a better way to represent 24 /7 service given the time options offered. I asked for a recommendation on how to specify 24 hour service more clearly but no response back.
Most peculiarly, I was also told that since our business is both a store and a service, that the hours I put on Google Places needed to be for the store’s operating hours. I brought up the point that a lot of our business comes before and after store hours, and that if Google showed we were closed in a search during those times it would be very bad for us. In essence does this requirement mean we’re forced to:
a) hide our address so we can show we offer service 24/7 and lose the ability to recruit customers to our store or even indicate it exists, or
b) show our address but have google report we’re closed for many of the hours we offer service?
I asked for feedback here, or a better option, but again no feedback yet.
We’ve now had our listing down for over 2 months, sure hoping we can make some progress this week.
The only thing I can say vis a vis the hours is that its Google’s sandbox and they set the rules. Their system does not cover a number of unusual hour variations and your is one of them. It is arbitrary and capricious but if they say X then I see no alternative to X. Or in your case pick from two non ideal choices.
@Jeff: You used to be able to set 24/7 by setting it as 12:00am-12:00am Mon-Sun (I’ve seen that on a lot of POIs) but some changes since then have prevented that from being a viable solution. I’ve requested that Google make two changes, namely add a 24/7 checkbox to Map Maker, the Dashboard, and Community Edits, and create the ability to customize hours so that you can put in (with your own label), let’s say emergency hours (24/7) and office hours (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm), which is common for a lot of service-oriented businesses, or bar hours and restaurant hours, which is also common for restaurants that have both a bar and a restaurant. At the very least, an engineer should resolve the 24/7 bug and Google Places should issue some notification in the guidelines and forums on how to represent 24/7, since it’s a widespread problem.
For historical reference you could never set 24 hrs in Places.
@Mike. I experimented quite a bit with MM, and you could create it using the method I entailed (Mon-Sun 12am-12am). For a brief period (months), I tried different methods using the community edits on the Place page and was able to create the 24/7 with some success by copying the methodology I found for Place pages that were able to represent themselves as open 24/7 (basically, every day is open, and hours are 0:00-0:00), similar to MM. Since the Maps and MM updates, this is no longer the case. Any business that is open 24/7 on the Place page has been grandfathered in using other sources(?), and any changes made from MM for 24/7 show as null edits (nothing changes). Frustrating.
It is their sandbox, and they are making better strides forward helping service businesses (aka separate more clear guidelines), but that doesn’t mean they should use their monopoly power to prevent small businesses from reaching 80% of the market for key pieces of their business. To be clear, I’m all for the intent of the policy — to not deceive the public and to make sure what is shown on Google is what is offered. I just think a policy shouldn’t be implemented if the tools available aren’t ready to support it fairly, aka provide the right kind of granularity for businesses to accurately represent all pieces of their business.
@ Dan
You couldn’t be more spot on. Thank you for trying to push this through. If there is any way I can be of help in this effort please let me know.
@Mike. I was hoping you would talk to Larry Page and sort this out! I filed at least three issues (1571, 2662, 2178) on MM Issue Tracker (http://code.google.com/p/google-mapmaker) related to this. Acknowledged, but no progress that I can see. Perhaps escalate it on the Places side, since this is a cross-platform data problem?
Just read a recent post online that we should reverify our business for the Google Plus changeover.
So we did..
And the listing was removed.
“Your Pitstop Appliance Repair listing was
experiencing issues due to quality violations. Specifically, our records
indicate that the address on file is for a UPS mailbox location. We ask
that you do not create a listing or place your pin marker at a location
where the business does not physically exist. P.O. Boxes are not
considered accurate physical locations.”
We are an residential appliance repair company. All of our repairs are done in the customer’s home. We do not have a brick and morter location as nobody is going to bring their refrigerator, oven, washer or dryer somewhere to get fixed. We do not sell appliances, so no need for a retail showroom. Our customers schedule from the website, so no need for a room + desk for answering phones.
There are a LOT of service companies that work the same way. Plumbers, electricians, etc.
Not only is this costing us lost business, but who knows how many other thousands of companies.
It is really backward of a modern company that makes all their money off of people online to punish other businesses who operate in modern day methods.
Google has long banned listings at mail stops like PO Boxes and UPS Stores. They want real locations only. This suspension should not have come as a surprise.
I understand that. In a traditional sense, people use to use maps to GO TO a physical place.
Problem is, in today’s online world, that is not how it works. People use Google and it’s map results to find services around them without any intention of GOING THERE. Many of these services ‘exist’ in the virtual world, while working at the customers house.
Google needs to wake up to this reality.
Worst part is, we try to stay on top of what we should be be doing. We try to follow all the popular SEO / Business blogs, etc. Our competitors who do things half assesed…many of who have P.O. Boxes or UPS store boxes.. still have active listings because they haven’t tried to merge Google places with Google Plus. We suffer while they prosper.
BTW- worst part is, what the service is that UPS sells-
They are selling these boxes to people, telling us that they count as real addresses.
“What is the difference between a mailbox at The UPS Store and a PO Box at the post office?
With a mailbox at The UPS Store, you get a real street address, not a P.O. Box number. If you’re a business owner, having a real street address as your mailbox can provide you with a professional image for your business.”
Funny how UPS is aware of how modern business works, and capitalizes on it.. while Google plays ignorant and shits on us honest people trying to make a living.
Just because UPS sells it as a real address does not mean that Google needs to accept it as a real address. As to the relative value provided by a UPS box street address vs a PO Box that has now changed as most Post Offices now allow you to use the street address as well.
Google does support service area businesses that do on site service but again requires that they have a physical, verifiable presence in the local market. In fact when Google did accept PO & UPS boxes there was such massive spamming that their product declined dramatically in value.
Google is not playing ignorant nor are they shitting on you for trying to make a living. They experienced what happened when they allowed the use of UPS boxes & PO Boxes and they have made a decion, that one assumes is in their best interest, to disallow them. They are also saying that your on line business can play in Google’s organic world and it can play in their Ad Words worlds it just can’t play in their Local world… their local vision is a map based vision where things need real world, visitable analogs to be eligible to be in their local products.
It’s their sandbox… they make the rules. You may not like them but that is the way it is. It means either
1)your need to use other means to communicate your services to the world or if you insist on using Google local products
2)get into a different sort of business that fits Google’s current model or
3)If you find Google local so valuable and you want to keep your current model, rent a store front.
How to fix a location marker in the new Google Plus?
It was easy in the Google Places, but now Google doesn’t support it. My older clients who had some issues with the markers pointing at wrong building were be able to move the marker and it was fixed in 2-3 weeks. But now the new Google plus, where and who do i ask?
@Greg: Use Move Marker, Edit Details, or Report a problem in Maps sidebar, or Edit Details or Edit Business Details on the Google+Local page.
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