Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Mobile Instant Suggestions – Search Results Before You Search
I have only been tangentially following the development of Google Instant on Mobile. As Barry pointed out upon its release in early November, on the iPhone it is not a natural search strategy and thus I only use the Google search field on my phone occasionally.
Yesterday, though, I noticed a result that made bells go off given the on going dispute raised in the recent WSJ article about Google sending traffic to itself. I am with Lisa Barone on this issue of whether Google is or should be Santa Claus, they are not. This is capitalism boys, stop your whining. Its a tough game that puts demands on all of us but particularly on stock held companies. If you don’t like it, join me in the revolution.
In the meantime it was still striking to see this Google result on my iPhone that provides not just a link to themselves as a result but as a suggestion. How long before Google starts showing Places results as a suggestion? Talk about search results before you search… this is certainly a step in that direction.
1 Comment
Thanks for the article. I’m behind on all sorts of news. This is interesting.
A couple of things:
A). Don’t forget to charge ur phone. U were at 80% power the other day 😉
B). Talk about domination of the screen. Yikes. Yikes and YIKES!!!
Other sites are complaining because Google has a monopolistic control of search. While different market based businesses report different percentage figures, as a webmaster I tend to believe the stats that define Google market share of actual search as about 80% of the US market. (that analysis tends to fit closer to what most webmasters report.
At 80% of actual search…that is domination that impacts everyone and every competing business and these changes in google implementation definitely affect every site on the web that depends on search.
Its a tough world.
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