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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google LBC: We’re Sorry, human error

Update 01/07/10: Elaine Filadelfo from Google’s Global Communications & Public Affairs office, has just forwarded me the following communication:

Hi Mike,

I know you’ve been covering the newsletter mix-up. Wanted to make sure you’ve got the latest statement/explanation:

As you know, we send a monthly newsletter to our Local Business Center users, featuring product news and a glimpse at statistics about the traffic Google properties drive to their listing (coming from the LBC dashboard, akin to Google Trends data for business owners). Shortly after sending the newsletter to a small portion of our users (less than 1%) last night, we discovered that some emails included incorrect business listing information. We promptly stopped sending any further emails and investigated the cause, which we found to be a human error while pulling together the newsletter content. We’d like to apologize to all the business owners affected and assure all our users that we’re working hard to ensure that nothing similar will happen again. Those affected should be receiving a corrected email shortly, if they haven’t already.

Also — we put an update in our Help Center in response to some questions as well:
Help Forum Response

We also posted a note on Twitter:

The follow-up emails have gone out already, so they should already be delivered or will arrive any time now.

As always, let me know if you have any questions.


James Ward passed along the Google apology for the LBC Stats error sent to his client, Caitlen Allen Acupuncture Clinic in Leeds: