Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Entries Published On December, 2009
Can Google GMaps Pass Ebay for Uniques in 2010?
Greg Sterling posted a Hitwise list of the Top 10 Sites for 2009. It showed ebay.com at the number 10 spot. According to Compete, Google Maps is approaching Ebay and if it can sustain its growth, might even pass them in the coming year even without the Yelp volume.
Google Mapping Tool Availability Matrix
Barry Schwartz has pointed out that last week, Google Maps added a chart showing which Google Maps services were available in which country. Maps is a global product that is offered in 200 some odd countries and there are a range of features available depending on licensing and data availability. Thus the matrix is incredibly …
Who gets the Traffic in the Local Space
The year has been an interesting one. The recent conversation of a possible acquisition of Yelp by Google motivated me to create this chart comparing traffic for the larger sites in the Local arena. The year started with Craig’s List and Mapquest holding a small lead over Google Maps. Citysearch held a solid fourth and …
Google Maps Sentiment Analysis; Foreign Speakers Need Not Apply?
There are faux pas and there are FAUX PAS. Google Maps by virtue of its global scope and the occasional tin ear of its algo has managed to periodically insert itself into the culture wars of 21st Century. Google Maps has been accused of Chinese bias by the Indians and Indian bias by the Chinese …