Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Maps Adds UGC Feedback to Front Page Display of the OneBox
Whether this upgrade to the display of the Authoritative OneBox is a test or permanent is not yet clear but Google is now offering up to the searcher the ability to confirm the accuracy of a businesses listing information.
It is not clear how this information will be used by Google as the option is available on both claimed and unclaimed listings. What level of trust will be placed in this information? Will listings be pulled if too many people contest the accuracy? Will the LBC owner of a listing be notified of the notation?
There are usability issues with the new capability. As one reader pointed out to me
Also, the phrasing is ambiguous…the call to action is, “Is this accurate?”, but yet when you click on it, it reads “This address, phone number, map or business info is not accurate. Confirm. Cancel.” Not sure why it reads ‘not accurate’. Either they should remove the word ‘not’, and follow with ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Cancel’ – OR, change the call to action to read “Is this inaccurate?”
These Google product folks need to brush up on their User Experience skills.
That is interesting and I can’t imagine certain individuals not negatively taking advantage. Even before this feature, I’ve received numerous LBC postcards confirming changes to my listings, except the email addresses on the cards were of competitors. ouch.
@Michael D
Yes, even in Olean, I can hear the keyboard clicks of the the “black” and “white” locksmiths madly going at it.
Ugh, I saw that & thought the same about the poor wording. That’s what happens when Google lets a part time intern push changes live with no others giving input…. right 😉
What was that focus group smoking?
How about “Is this accurate?” > Yes, No, Cancel
[…] Google Maps Adds UGC Feedback to Front Page Display of the OneBox, Mike Blumenthal […]
@ Mike Don’t be picking on the locksmiths now…seriously you are right on with what you wrote. It’s like Google doesn’t think of these things in advance.
Oh Mama!
Some fresh meat for us locksmiths ( 🙁 )
I only suggested on the premise that you track results and advise me on exactly how many clicks thru on how many proxy servers it takes to shake the listing out of first… :).
No worries! You know i’ll deliver! I’ll update you.
It reminds me of the “Was this review helpful?” question under each review…
I think that if you’re not required to sign in, your ‘vote’ has no impact…
I think you right to a certain extent that any given vote will have little impact. The difference is both the important of the specific piece of info and Google’s philosophical attachment to it.
By that I mean that my sense is that Google perceives that the world has a right to leave a reiview and while theyight deemphasize it, I think they feel strongly that it should stay visible. As such they are unlikely to do anything much about it.
On the otherhand I assume that they believe
strongly that no business has the right to abuse the privelege of being ranked. As such a vote of not accurate might be used either as another signal in their fight agInst spa
or as a possible ranking signal or minimally as a signal to reassess how the cluster is showing that information.
[…] spotted this a couple days […]
[…] spotted this a couple days […]
That is such an incredibly mysterious application. Certainly something wierd out of the Google Black Box of all algo’s all the time.
Wouldn’t it be nice if Google gave explanation of this addition to its search experience. They do make many announcements about changes. This one is currently “anyone’s guess”.
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