Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Maps Bulk Upload Whitelist Coming Soon to the LBC Near You
Update: Here is the link to the whitelist request form: http://maps.google.com/support/bin/request.py?contact_type=feeds_verify
David Mihm reports from the LSS Q&A Session that Google is rolling out the Bulk Upload Whitelist reported here in early June and confirmed by Google several weeks ago.
From David Mihm’s Local Search blog:
Now onto the good stuff. Ari Bezman, the product manager for the Local Business Center just confirmed that the Whitelist functionality that Carter Maslan announced via Mike Blumenthal last week should now be live in the Local Business Center. It involves a contact form directly off of the current bulk upload area of the LBC.
Google will manually review these contact submissions (it sounds like especially for really large uploads–1000+?) and decide whether to reject or accept the upload as a whitelist.
Franchise owners and corporate marketing departments will need to work out beforehand who is going to be responsible for submitting that particular location, because Google only wants to see a whitelisted location from one feed.
Chris Travers of UniversalBusinessListing asked a very important follow-up: how will Google treat whitelist requests from agencies? To his credit, Ari responded with a very straightforward answer: agency whitelist requests will be strongly considered but must first be “approved” by a representative of the company itself.
Uploads via this new feature will be considered “almost as trusted” as if a location/business owner verifies by PIN.
The link does not yet appear to be live in my LBC but it apparently will be shortly but here is the link to the request form.
My questions:
Will the entry still be editable via community edit?
Will the stats of the data rich dash board be available to whitelisted uploads?
What is the approval timeframe?
Will there be a communication feedback loop from Google staffed by people?
What is the smallest whitelist size that will be approved?
Thanks for that link Mike (it isn’t showing up in any of my LBC accounts yet either).
More questions for Google:
1. What about agencies? There is nothing on the page that mentions approved/authorized persons submitting on behalf of business owners, in fact it states: “By submitting a business listing to the Local Business Center, you are confirming that you are the business owner.” Will this be addressed so agencies can act on behalf of clients?
2. Also, in addition to the question about whether or not bulk listings will be editable via community edit, will they show as being claimed. For instance, if a listing has been verified, and you click on “Edit” from within Maps, it will say “This listing has been claimed in Local Business Center and can only be edited by the owner.” However, if it is from a bulk upload or hasn’t been claimed/verified it will say “Are you the owner? Claim your business.” What will the white listed bulk upload listings say?
3. Duplicate listings – what if you have 100 listings and you’ve already claimed and verified 50 of them manually. Now this great new white listed bulk upload comes along and you jump on board. You create a bulk upload file with all 100 listings and submit it. What about the 50 that you already claimed? Should you suspend them from your account? Or keep them in addition to the bulk upload? Will the duplicate listings be conflated properly? Oh boy, my head is spinning…
Also the question of whether there will be an API…
[…] Comments Luca (1 comments) on Google Maps: Where did the LBC stats go?Mike (608 comments) on Google Maps Bulk Upload Whitelist Coming Soon to the LBC Near YouJim Gianoglio (19 comments) on Google Maps Bulk Upload Whitelist Coming Soon to the LBC Near YouMike […]
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