Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Maps Vs. Mapquest: Hitwise has Mapquest still in the lead
Heather Hopkins has posted updated Hitwise traffic for Google Maps and Mapquest:
She noted: “A few weeks ago I thought I was onto something very hot. I was getting ready to announce that Google Maps had caught up to MapQuest in share of US Internet visits. I decided to wait a week to be sure things held. Since then, MapQuest has regained its lead and is widening the gap on Google Maps.”
Compete shows Maps as having passed Mapquest in overall traffic. But as Heather points out the nature of the traffic is dramatically different. Most Maps visitors (61%) come from Google on non branded searches whereas most of the Mapquest visits come from branded searches.
The hitwise data shows an almost mirror inverse relationship implying Google’s growth comes at a direct cost to Mapquest. Should Google’s growth continue, no reason why it should not, they will certainly take over the lead.
The current little upswing for Mapquest may largely be just one of the up-down wiggles, or variation, in the longer downward trend. In the stock markets during a strong down trend they call this a “dead cat bounce” where it will then resume its downwards slide.
But maybe they are regaining a little traction with the new mobile and local features they added.
Google will still overtake them. A certainty, like death and taxes.
Regardless of whether or not Google Maps has overtaken MapQuest (according to Compete it has, according to Hitwise it has not) the big picture is still clear: the amount of market share lost by MapQuest to Google in the past year is astounding.
Let’s just hope that the recent efforts by MapQuest (new features and upgrades) is enough to keep them competitive – the last thing we need is a Monopoly by Google in the local search space.
Mike – as always, thanks for keeping us in the know!
Hang in there, MapQuest. Competition is good. Monopoly is…not so good.
What do you mean monopoly? Mapquest used to have 50% of the market and it looks like it will have to share that 50% with Google. That’s not monopoly, that’s just more competition.
I think Miriam was referring to Google’s near monopoly position in search and the possibility that it could soon apply to Local and Maps as well.
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