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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Ambulance Chasing in the era of Google Maps

Wikipedia defines an Ambulance Chaser thusly:

Ambulance chaser is a derogatory phrase sometimes used to describe a trial lawyer who specializes in representing accident victims. It typically refers to attorneys who solicit business (sometimes called barratry) from accident victims or their families at the scene of an accident or disaster (or immediately thereafter). In the United States, such conduct violates Rule 7.3[1] of the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct.

A poster (the ever voluble panzermike) in Google’s Report Mapspam thread in Google Groups reports lawyers changing their business names to take advantage of the recent Chatsworth Metrolink accident where 25 died.

Here is a guy who has a fake business name and more than one address (PO Box none the less) to dominate one box for recent Chatsworth metrolink accident. Violates at least two maps rules.

I have noticed that almost every law firm in LA that ranks in Maps is now using fake business names and Maps is doing nothing to enforce their own NEW rules.

Local business results for Metrolink accident lawyers near Los Angeles, CA

Cliff Blackman Train Accident Lawyer
2029 Century Park East, 14th Floor, Los Angeles – (866) 692-8127
Directions, hours, and more »

Cliff Blackman Train Accident Lawyer
P.O. Box 345, Glendale – (800) 975-2993
Directions, hours, and more »
More results near Los Angeles, CA »

It would appear that Google Maps has placed itself squarely in the midst of this shady world of hawking marginal services to the unsuspecting. Like the HIV Mapspam, this type of bottom feeding facilitated by Google Maps, needs much tighter controls. Welcome to the snake oil salesman of the new millenium marketing their wares in the ether.