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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google Maps Offers Refine by User Rating & Neighborhood Option

There has been much discussion in the local community about the impact of reviews and review star rating on local rankings. In research done last year, it seemed that the quantity of reviews had significantly more impact on ranking than the quality of reviews.Recently however Google Maps has added a new option in Maps Text View mode that allows searchers to limit listings by the quality ratings, at least in certain highly reviewed categories like restaurants and hotels.userrating.jpgNote the dramatic change in listings when 4 Stars are selected. I would agree that Ellicottville doesn’t really have any 4-star restaurants.4stars.jpgIn larger metro areas there is also a choice to refine by neighborhood.neighborhood1.jpgneighborhoodselection.jpg This change will have a greater impact in the mobile world. I could envision standing on a street corner in NYC and selecting for a grade of restaurant within walking distance. Unfortunately, Google’s reviews don’t account for cost or food preference variables and would still have limited value in this context. Does anyone know if this feature is now available on the iPhone?