Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local is “over rated” – Local is “under rated”
This was mostly written as a response to comments in my interview with Miriam at SEOIgloo. I realized that I can only write so many words before breakfast so I have posted the comment slightly changed here.
There are those who say that “local search gets no respect, it should be important to all” and others in the search industry that look at local and say: “It is not a significant force, its not important and doesn’t affect my clients”.
I have often thought the “local is over rated”/”local is underated” debate misses the point to some extent.The debate is more nuanced than that. And the answer is: Yes.
If you need Local, you need local.
We are in a nascent market, local search, that has not yet fully developed. It requires indexed content from the producers of the information and searches from the consumers of it. It will use new ways of accessing this information
So as more and more information comes on line, as Google (or whomever) provides more and more granularity, users and producers both will follow along as they realize that they will benefit.
Each company will come to local when it is in their benefit to do so. Five years ago, local wasn’t important unless you were in the hotel business, 4 years ago it wasn’t important unless you were in the hotel or florist industry, Three years ago you would have added cars and restaurants to the list and so on.
As your industry or the industry groups that you represent benefit from local, your business will need to be there. For now it local is a collection of niches.
As the information granularity improves, say WalMart posts local inventory, it will also impact the usage and the companies that will need to be there. If Target sees Walmart there then the process will progress on the data side as well. Local will become the ultimate aggregation of niches.
As the information improves in any given industry segment and as the business feels the need to be in local, the searchers will be there & the SEM’s will follow. In the meantime the number of niches that benefit will continue to grow.
Ultimately, as Miriam points out on SEOigloo, even with Ebay sellers all bussiness is local. (Just look at the comparison of internet shopping to total shopping).
The other looming change will be in how we access that information. The movement toward hand held computing ala the iPhone will change all of this is unforeseeable ways but most all of them will have an impact on local.
The game has just started so it would be foolish to place any bets on who does or doesn’t need the capability. I think we can agree that the number of niches that benefit from local is growing. At some point what was a collection of niches becomes the majority and the tipping point is reached. Keep your options open and take advantage as you see the opportunity.
Regardless there are industry segments that need to be in local now and they need solid advice and counsel.
Okay, Mike – this is MUCH longer than my response. You win 🙂
Everything you’ve said rings true with me.
Should I have asked my husband for an iPhone for Valentine’s day? This is what I’m asking myself.
The thing is, neither of us have cell phones. When we’re here at work, we pick up the phone. When we’re out, we don’t want to be reachable…that’s our break from work.
But…then I think to myself, mobile means I’d have Maps in the palm of my hand when we’re tooling around the countryside. That could be so cool…but getting lost is kind of fun, too.
Decisions, decisions.
Should you ask your husband for an iPhone for Valentines Day? No, not today. Tomorrow maybe you can ask him but not today. Today ask for something more tangible and more long lasting. 🙂
This blog could come right from my heart. The whole idea of acting local is now coming into Europe, and soon we will launch special sites about ADSL, advices etc. with as added value; experiences, suppliers and so on are all locally linked.
Europe certainly must come at local from a different perspective for social, political & historical reasons…You haven’t had a frontier and the Marlboro Man weighing on your collective conscience and have had to live in small, self sustaining communities longer. The impacts of the WalMarts of the world and the internet must be somewhat different.
No less need for local though, so I wish you the best with your sites.
[…] a million niches which will come to local as the ROI becomes more obvious to each of them. As the granularity of local data increases and functional mobile technology proliferates, more and more business […]
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