Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Local Search"
Loci 2009 – Important Articles in Local Search
1. Particular postions, points or places 2. Centers of activity, attention, or concentration Each year, I invite folks whose opinion I respect to provide the readers of this blog with lists of the articles from 2009 that seemed most important to them. The people contributing come from a range of positions and job descriptions, some …
Looking for a Legend In All the Wrong Places
Zebedi recently posted this comment on my Get a Virtual Office With a Keyword Stuffed Maps Listing article. I thought it worth highlighting and responding: As a small business person, I cannot find an SEO that can tell me how to genuinely appear in search results in the areas we genuinely service. Why is it …
Local Search: News of the Weird
I love the intersection of Map and life and sometimes the things that I read provide a new angle that just wasn’t obvious before. This recent post in the Google Maps forums raises all sorts of questions. It falls into the category of “no wonder they are getting a divorce”: Date: October 31, 2009 4:17:25 …
Tectonic Shifts Altering The Terrain At Google Maps- an Interview with Mike Dobson
Of the many new features in Google Maps of late, none seemed more important than the recent change in underlying data providers and Google taking over these tasks themselves. This change shows in Maps visually with the inclusion of new land & property parcel data, the change of the copyright message in US maps and …
SMX East – Announcing the 2009 Limited Edition SMX East Local T-Shirt
We are announcing, for immediate delivery, the availability of this year’s 2009 Limited* Edition SMX East Local T-Shirt! The shirt is intended to commenorate David Mihm’s Ultimate Local SEO Vanity Search & raise money for charity. All profits will be donated to Google to hire a customer support representative. If for some reason they …
AOL is Now Selling Local 10 Pack Spots
A reader recently pointed out that AOL is now selling all the spots in their “Local 10 Pack” on a CTC and possible PPC basis through YellowPages.com and ServiceMagic. I don’t follow AOL search hat closely so this may have been happening for a while. Here are several sample searches: Attorneys near Olean, NY 14760 Local Sponsored Listings Allen Dyer Doppelt …
State Attorney General to AT&T: Remove Illegal Locksmith Listings at Yellowpages.com
Legitimate locksmith’s have been attempting to convince authorities to pursue the illegetimate locksmiths for several years. They seem to have achieved a high profile success in Missouri where the State Attorney General is filing suit against one of the Florida companies behind a significant amount of the mapspam. In addition, the Attorney General “has also …
Local Links of Interest
MapQuest: A Symbol Of Everything That’s Gone Wrong – John McKinley, Silicon Valley Insider John McKinley, a former AOL President of Digital Services, offers a concise and pointed critique of Mapquest’s loss of market dominance and what needs to be done about it. Local Search Behavior by Industry Category – David Mihm, Mihmorandum Do the …
Will Google’s Streetview Data be used to replace TeleAtlas?
When Google expanded StreetView coverage for the U.S. in December. I was struck by the visual on their blog. Google is not a company that often buys data from others. They usually either buy a company or they build it themselves. This map begged the question: Could Streetview Data be used to replace TeleAtlas? In a …
The Semmy Nominations Announced
The Semmy Awards, founded by Matt McGee to honor search marketing content online, has announced the 2008 nominees in the following categories: SEO PPC Small Business Local Search Google Blogs & Blogging Link Building Social Media Analytics Search Tech Rants LOL Funny! Online Marketing / General Reputation Management Viral Marketing News & Announcements Design & …