Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Category Archive For "Google Customer Service"
Google LBC: Support to Be Available to Local Listing Ad Customers
Last night while at Marty Weintraub’s AimClear SMX East SchmoozFest, I was fortunate to meet Frederick Vallaeys of Google. He is the forthright (he gave me a business card!), communicative product evangelist for Adwords. He was on his way out the door but took the time to answer some of my questions about the newly …
Google Maps Customer Service Hall of Shame – What goes on in your neighborhood?
When things go wrong with Google Maps, like all large scale systems, they go terribly wrong. Google Maps though, unlike most large companies, offers no mechanism for these problems to be fixed in any direct fashion. While I understand Google’s desire to fix the big problems for large numbers of people first, there also needs …