Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Loci 2010 – Sebastien Provencher
Sebastien is Praized Media’s co-founder and VP Product Management. He has more than 12 years’ experience in local search, interactive entertainment and online media. Sebastien co-founded Praized Media in 2007 to help local media companies tap into the growing potential of online word-of-mouth and social media. Praized Media recently launched Needium, an innovative social media lead generation service for SMBs. He writes about traditional media, local search and social media on his blog at and tweets at @sebprovencher.
When Sebastien speaks I listen. You should too.
From my point of view, here are what I think the important events in
“local” in 2010.
1) The launch of Twitter Places:
http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/14/twitter-places-geo-tweets/ and
More ways to geolocalize your tweets means more local/social opportunities. More and more people think Twitter’s future will be “local”.
2) Foursquare went from less than 1M users to more than 5M users in 2010. 2M check-ins daily.
Still curious to know how many of those are “active” users (same metric as Facebook) but nonetheless, Foursquare is now a key player in the local/social ecosystem.
3) Facebook launches Places
Not as big as bang as I expected but a much needed “local” infrastructure in Facebook. 2011 will probably see growth and better integration.
4) The launch of the iPad. Seen as a savior by many newspapers before the launch, I’m not sure those expectations were met
Undoubtedly, on another level, the iPad is a resounding consumer success, creating a new space. What Apple did for smart phones, they’re doing it again for tablets.
5) The rise of Groupon and the daily offer space. Incredible revenue growth. High popularity. New local ad vehicle. ‘Nuff said.
6) Groupon rejects Google’s purchase offer. Worth a bullet by itself. Rumored $6B offer. Wow. Again, ‘Nuff said.
[…] Head up to Mike’s blog to read the rest of my post. […]
Nice lookback on noteables for local in 2010.
In December, I heard Bruce Clay say something to the effect on a recent SEM Synergy Podcast that Google local/global search is something like 20/80 but that in the near future, he sees that flipping to 80/20 for local/global. You are already starting to see it as Google broadens the terms it interprets with local search intent, regardless of whether a location is used in some cases in the query or not. Just search for “optimitrist” and you will see what I mean. The Google 7 pack is the place to be.
Local for services businesses with in=person delivery, is the foundation of a solid search strategy since their market is limited.
Rick Noel
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