Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local Links of Interest
MapQuest: A Symbol Of Everything That’s Gone Wrong – John McKinley, Silicon Valley Insider
John McKinley, a former AOL President of Digital Services, offers a concise and pointed critique of Mapquest’s loss of market dominance and what needs to be done about it.
Local Search Behavior by Industry Category – David Mihm, Mihmorandum
Do the IYPs offer any real value? David highlights a chart from a Comscore/TMP study that seems to indicate so, primarily in industries that have low web penetration. I am not buying but see what you think…
Windows Mobile 6.5 — Obsolete Already? Ian Paul, PC World
With Windows Mobile 7 coming out so soon, some people may just forget about Mobile 6.5 altogether and wait for the more advanced system. This is particularly problematic for Microsoft, since it’s already clear that Windows 6.0 and 6.1 device owners won’t be able to run Mobile 6.5. So if Mobile 7 is also going to require a new device, then why not wait a few more months for the newer system?
Local Search Directories List emarketingmatador.com
Has put together a great reference list of US local, directories, IYP & upstream data provider sources that one should consider when planning a local campaign. Minor quibble: the only source missing was iBegin.com. While I like and use UBL, I think you should take control of Google (and a few others) as it is far too critical in the successful campaign mix.
Explore more with User Photos in Street View – Google Lat-Long
Google has been integrating Panoramio images into Maps and Maps Business Listings for a while. Now they are integrating them with Streetview. Greg Sterling has an interesting comparison of this new feature with Micorosoft Live’s Photosynth at SearchEngineLand.com
Excellent review Mike:
David’s article is getting a lot of deserved commentary. The thorough list of citation sources is invaluable.
Yikes! iBegin is missing. That is in our handouts, but somehow got omitted online. Thanks, I’ll double check to make sure nothing else “fell out”.
Great post with very valuable sources. Here is another source that should prove to be valuable: http://www.tmpdm.com/press. TMP Directional Marketing has a lot of insightful articles and press releases that relate to local search marketing. They also have a lot of Comscore studies floating around that give some very eye-opening statistics on local search trends.
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